FORMAT: HS-BLW (2011 Worlds format)
Emboar / Ninetales / Tangrowth
Pokémon: 15
The strategy of this deck is fairly simple. Get an Emboar out quickly to load up Tangrowth. Ninetales is in the deck to draw more cards.
This deck isn't super good or consistant, (infact, it is pretty clunky as it runs 2 stage 1 lines and 1 stage 2 line) just wanted to get some advice to make it better. Does Ninetales make the deck too clunky?
Emboar / Ninetales / Tangrowth
Pokémon: 15
- 1 Cleffa CL (starter, works as a free PONT)
- 1 Tyrogue CL (tech card, used for donking defending cleffas)
- 2 Tepig PR07 (basic)
- 1 Pignite BLW18 (stage 1)
- 2 Emboar PR21 (stage 2, used for ability)
- 2 Vulpix CL (basic)
- 2 Ninetales CL (stage 1, used for draw support)
- 2 Tangela CL (basic)
- 2 Tangrowth CL (stage 1, used as main attacker)
- 3 Dual Ball CL (search)
- 2 Energy Retrieval BLW (retrieval)
- 4 Junk Arm TM (discard & retrieval)
- 4 Pokemon Communication BLW (search)
- 2 Rare Candy UL (evolution)
- 2 Switch BLW (switch)
- 1 Fisherman HS (retrieval)
- 1 Flower Shop Lady UD (retrieval)
- 3 Pokemon Collector HS (search)
- 4 Professor Oak's New Theory CL (hand refresher)
- 2 Twins TM (comeback)
- 2 Burned Tower UD (retrieval and counter stadium)
- 11 Fire Energy HS (infinite attachments with emboar's ability, used to power up main attacker, used with draw support's poke-power)
- 4 Rescue Energy TM (insurance incase main attacker gets KO'ed)
The strategy of this deck is fairly simple. Get an Emboar out quickly to load up Tangrowth. Ninetales is in the deck to draw more cards.
This deck isn't super good or consistant, (infact, it is pretty clunky as it runs 2 stage 1 lines and 1 stage 2 line) just wanted to get some advice to make it better. Does Ninetales make the deck too clunky?
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