Hurricane went AWOL...


<3 Flariados
Seriously, where did Feraligatr/Bronzong SF go? It was hyped when the scans of Zong were first posted, but now it's disappeared into oblivion. I mean, why? With a lot of the metagame nowadays (Dusknoir, Raichu, Gengar) they don't need the magical 130 HP to knock them out, so Energy Cyclone is almost always a OHKO if you play a sizeable amount of energy. Meh. I must say, I haven't tested it, and I just want to ask anyone if they have tried it and if it's one of those things that's better on paper.

DawnOfXatu was bent on using this would-be beast deck, until he tried it out. Did terribly last set against my Mangezone (He proxied Bronzong), and that was before the new Stormfront ones came out. So he ditched it then, brought it back a bit to test against the Big 3 we have now, and left it for dead. Again.

He may tell you something different, but I recall the Magnezone portion of it. Hurricane suffers from some poor matchups. DOX will also tell you that next set it'll be revived.
I thought this deck would've popped up and destroyed everyone too. I've just realize that it did rather poor and most of the archetypes in this format. Magnezone is only one of them. Raichu is also another one.
Dimentio got it 99% correct. I did try Hurricane against Zone and it failed. I did test it out against Raichu, Dusknoir, and Machamp and it didn't even win once. Hurricane isn't going anywhere fast, it isn't AWOL it is just dead, in some gutter somewhere.

The only thing is that I never said that Hurricane will be revived. That was AMU.

Also as a side discussion which would you say are the most useful of Hurricanes Energy-Grabbing engines?:
Zong SF
Porygon 2
^i would play gardy and bronzong together so you can get 4-6 energy per turn with bronzong/roseannes.