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Hydreboar Deck!


Aspiring Trainer
4 Deino (NV 77)
2 Zweilous (NV 78)
3 Hydreigon (NV 79)
3 Tepig (BW 15)
2 Pignite (BW 17)
2 Emboar (BW 20)
2 Reshiram (BW 26)
1 Cleffa (HGSS 17)
1 Tyrogue (HGSS 33)
Pokemons :20

1 Fisherman (HGSS 92)
2 Pokemon Circulator (UL 81)
3 Pokemon Communication (HGSS 98)
3 Professor Juniper (BW 101)
3 Professor Oak's New Theory (HGSS 101)
3 Cheren (EP 91)
4 Rare Candy (UL 82)
2 Junk Arm (TR 87)
1 Switch (HGSS 102)
2 PlusPower (UL 80)
2 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
trainer/supporter :26

4 Double Colorless Energy (HGSS 103)
10 Fire Energy (CL 89)

The strategy of this deck is to be more focused on hydreigon! but to do so leave the resh to take damage and hitting high damage with outrage!
It is trying to equip the emboar hydreigon energy in ASAP!
So I need help to know what I can fix or improve this deck!

Thanks to all!
defenitly catcher instead of circulator, and i think it's pretty funny that you use 4-2-3 of hydreigon and 3-2-2 emboar, but you don't use twins. i think twins would be an amazing card to use in this deck, no doubt.
Here in my city, the Pokemon catcher is very expensive! hehehe but I'll see if I caught some of them! but other than that, good for this deck? already tested it in tcg online, and almost won the ZPTS and have won the blaztel! Although I was lucky to run the deck at the time, as also sometimes locks up like a beauty! hehehe
thank you!
The Deck has a good strategy and could be a contender for Tier 2- 1.5!