Hydreigon tech


This is the all powerful genosect.
The new Hydreigon can be very good in pretty much any deck. Take a look.
Hydreigon – Darkness – HP150
Stage 2 – Evolves from Zweilous

Ability: Dark Aura
All Energy attached to this Pokemon becomes Darkness Energy.

[D][D][D][D] Dangerous Blade: 60 damage. Choose 2 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and this attack also does 40 damage to each of those Pokemon (don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench).

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3

I think that this can be a very good combo with a lot of cards. I was thinking mabey either emboar or something that uses a lot of dce such as
cincinno/zoroark. What do you think.

^Yeah, I can totally use a four-Energy attack when I have three Energy. Makes sense. That takes two turns, 3 basics, 1 stage 2, 4 energy, and a Rare Candy. Just run a few DCE. Takes two turns, and Rare Candy is ready in the same amount of time.

Shiny Shinx said:
^Yeah, I can totally use a four-Energy attack when I have three Energy. Makes sense. That takes two turns, 3 basics, 1 stage 2, 4 energy, and a Rare Candy. Just run a few DCE. Takes two turns, and Rare Candy is ready in the same amount of time.


I think he means pachi-shaymin-dce which I think still dosen't make much sense because it will take 2 turns to set up a stage 2 anyway.

emboar looks good with this.

(drop deino)
Opponent: ?
next turn rare candy hydreigon, InFa 4 energy on, retreat, go crazy.
Cram Emboar in anything and the internet likes it. Really though Pachirishu Shaymin engine is the best way to go. You don't have to set up a Stage 2 tech that is total Reversal/Catcher bait, it can be gotten with a Collector, and can power your main attacker up in one turn. All and all I think this card should receive no hype though, it is bad and has major Donphan problems.
kyurem has a leet move (does 30 dmg to all of ur opponents pokemon) hed be awesome with hydriegon , and kyurem can ezly own a donphan
emboar is a stage 2 and harder to get into play, however with shaymin and pachirisu they are basic but that is more pokemon and also hard to get into play.

it all depends on how you intend to use the deck
Thanks that looks like it could be a very fun card to play with.....Maybe feraligatr/kyurem/mandibuzz?????
Shaymin + Pachirisu is Pokemon Catcher bait but can be easily gotten out with Pokemon Collecter..

Emboar is a stage 2 that will need some set up but can load 4 energy onto Hydreigon on one turn and can do it consistently...

I guess it depends on your playing style. I would go with Emboar because he's consistent (no drop/pick up/drop again), can use reshiram as a back up attacker, and you are playing 1 stage 2; you might as well play 2 with 4 rare candy/Proffesor Elms Training Method...
Kyurem's a decent partner, but I think the most popular is with Mandibuzz, because you can utilize Special Darkness Energy and dish out even more damage. Kyurem's kind of slow being teched with Hydreigon. In addition, Kyurem takes three turns to get up and running, and Hydreigon can take four unless you run DCE. So your battling time here. I'd prefer Mandibuzz.