Experience: Veteran
My strategy with this deck is to have the first hand sabeleye with yveltal and recover energies to prepare well yvelta or darkrai ex. Move energies hydragon status and avoid problems with Virizion. Damage move Dusknoir so no problems with mr. mime.
Please tell me if you have a tip to me i thank you help and time.
This deck work very well to me, i just have 2 counter fairy deck and garbodor.
I forgot to say is a great attacker Hydreigon (140) energies blend not only prevent status problems, also to hit Suicune and Sigilyph. With Muscle band can cause damage don 160 Dusknoir move 2 counters any pokemon HP EX 180 to make 1 KO and recover energies with Dark patch.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
- 3 Darkrai
- 2 Sableye
- 2 Yveltal EX
- 1 Yveltal
- 2-1-2 Hydreigon
- 1 Virizion EX
- 1-1 Dusknoir
- 4 Juniper
- 3 N
- 2 Colress
- 1 Bianca
- 2 Skyla
- 3 Dark Patch
- 2 Ultra Ball
- 1 Level Ball
- 1 Profesor Letter
- 3 Rare Candy
- 1 Computer Search
- 3 Dark claw/Muscle Band
- 1 Escape Rope
- 3 Max Potion
- 2 Tool Scrapper
8 Dark
4 Blend FPDG
My strategy with this deck is to have the first hand sabeleye with yveltal and recover energies to prepare well yvelta or darkrai ex. Move energies hydragon status and avoid problems with Virizion. Damage move Dusknoir so no problems with mr. mime.
Please tell me if you have a tip to me i thank you help and time.
This deck work very well to me, i just have 2 counter fairy deck and garbodor.
I forgot to say is a great attacker Hydreigon (140) energies blend not only prevent status problems, also to hit Suicune and Sigilyph. With Muscle band can cause damage don 160 Dusknoir move 2 counters any pokemon HP EX 180 to make 1 KO and recover energies with Dark patch.
Edited to coincide with the rules!