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Hydreisnipe (hydreigon, kyurem, mandibuzz, absol)


Im not a marine. Im a spacemarine
-Pokemon- (22)
3-2-3 Hydreigon
2-2 mandibuzz (BLW base set)
1-1 Darkrai & cressella legand (DCL)
4 kyurem
4 absol prime

-Trainers/Supporters- (25)
4 professor oak's new theory (PONT)
4 pokemon communication
4 pokemon collector
3 rare candy
2 pokemon catcher
2 twins
2 switch
2 interviewer's question
1 flower shop lady
1 energy search

-Energies- (13)
1 physcic
4 water
4 double colorless energy (DCE)
4 special darkness

The strategy here is to hopefully start out with an absol prime so you do 20 to the oppenents pokemon that are played down while he is active. From there you will begin to evolve hydreigon while you start energizing kyurem. When kyurem has 3 energies attached switch or retreat absol back for him and starting hitting the oppenent for 30 damage each attack (to all of his pokemon). While you attack with kyurem you should power up hydreigon with dces because of his power turning each energy to a dark energy. When your kyurem gets knocked out you can either bring up a mandibuzz and start sniping (debating removing this due to the fact of no reason to have with so many bench hitting pokemon) weak pokemon or bring up hydreigon if powered and start hitting the defending pokemon for 60 and 2 benched for 40.
Everything here looks pretty good but i could ditch the absol, i have tried absol as a starter and its not very good because it doesnt help you set up at all and its not worth the 20 damage.... I would insted go with a starter of your choice, posibly pichu or cleffa or manaphy....idk
That is a good idea. I don't even have the kyurems and the last hydreigon i need atm so i am hopefully going to buy those today. I will update this within the next week depending on what i recieve. If the absol dosent turn out well i will use 3 - 4 cleffas in hope that it will increase speed of the deck.

Also, how does energy exchanger sound in this deck? I can put back a water (if not needed) and get a dce.
spacemarine2142 said:
Also, how does energy exchanger sound in this deck? I can put back a water (if not needed) and get a dce.
hm....i thinks it could work but maby only like 2- what would realy help is some junk arm for that and ur deck in general.
Personally the mandibuzz is uneeded from this. The absol is what you hope you start with so you can hurt your oppenent while they are setting up and make them weaker. He is also a nice staller while you wait to get kyurem/hydreigon set up. Also DCL is prime for end game when you have 2 or 3 prizes left and a alot of damage on each pokemon. The energy exchanger is a good idea but not worth while remove the dcl from it. Possibly i could remove mandibuzz from the whole equation and add in 2 energy exchangers and 2 junk arms insted of 3 catchers/switches (i dont like to put to many catchers in 1 deck because how few i have).
Posting an update that I do not want to change the list just yet. This is what I have done to try and make this deck faster.

-4 special dark
-1 physcic energy
-1 collector
- set of DCL
-1 kyurem
-1 absol prime
- 2-2 mandibuzz

I added

+ 2-1-2 feraligator
+ 5 water energies
+ 4 juniper
+ 1 rare candy

This made it a bit more speedy. I want to see others views on it.
*bump* any comments on these changes?

TOTALLY OFF TOPIC!! Is there any website in which i can create and try out decks?
Should update the OP with your current list so people will be able to give you more accurate help.

The Feraligatr sounds good in theory but it has the same problem as Emboar. It makes the deck waaay too clunky.
Which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish by making it faster.
I would try to find room for cheren because you have little draw:
-1 Kyurem
-2 Interviewers
-1 Energy Search
+4 Cheren
Very true, but i do not think that it would be that amazing to drop the interviewers or energy search due to the fact of i cant draw energies to begin with let alone would i be able to draw the physcic energy when i need to bring out DCL.
personally I think the deck would be a lot faster as absol/mandibuzz/hydra so start with absol hit with mandibuzz clean up with hydra.
I tried that once before but mandibuzz seemed kinda useless because i usually had a kyurem pretty much set up beginning of the game.
spacemarine2142 said:
Very true, but i do not think that it would be that amazing to drop the interviewers or energy search due to the fact of i cant draw energies to begin with let alone would i be able to draw the physcic energy when i need to bring out DCL.

-2 Kyurem
-1-1 DCL
-1 Psychic
-1 Energy Search
+4 Cheren
+2 Energy Exchanger
kyurem is a main attacker in this deck. If anything i would remove the lines of madnibuzz because it is pretty much useless. And DCL is used for end game when you get a bunch of damage all around but no other ways to cause it.
I think you should not add the feraligatr, it wouldn't help much. The only thing I would put in is junk arm, as a universally good card.
Great deck, but what are the matchups with the really common decks, like reshiphlosion?
I wasn't a fan of this deck truthfully. I took it apart and made a new deck... That failed.... now im just goin with a blastoise floatzel deck.