Pokemon: 17
The majority of mainstream decks right now rely on basic Pokemon. Silent Labs shuts down all of their abilities, stopping a lot of them in their tracks. Ninetails will ensure that my labs stays on the field, and stops my opponents stadiums. Delphox is my draw engine and is actually a pretty heavy attacker, doing 110 for 3 energies. Pyroar is a wall for the opposing basic Pokemon.
A few things I'm considering are a Float Stone or two for free retreat for Pyroar or Reshiram. Something I need to add whenever I can get my hands on it is Seismitoad-EX. With 3 Ninetails, I think that Silent Lab will clutter my hand, so I can probably remove 2 for something.
3| Delphox (XY)
3| Fenniken (XY Starter Deck)
3| Ninetails (Primal Clash)
3| Vulpix (Primal Clash)
2| Reshiram
1| Braixen
1| Litleo
1| Pyroar
3| Fiery Torch
3| Rare Candy
3| Vs Seeker
2| Battle Compressor
2| Evosoda
2| Ultra Ball
4| Blacksmith
2| Lysandre
2| N
2| Professor Sycamore
2| Skyla
4| Silent Lab
12| Fire Energy
The majority of mainstream decks right now rely on basic Pokemon. Silent Labs shuts down all of their abilities, stopping a lot of them in their tracks. Ninetails will ensure that my labs stays on the field, and stops my opponents stadiums. Delphox is my draw engine and is actually a pretty heavy attacker, doing 110 for 3 energies. Pyroar is a wall for the opposing basic Pokemon.
A few things I'm considering are a Float Stone or two for free retreat for Pyroar or Reshiram. Something I need to add whenever I can get my hands on it is Seismitoad-EX. With 3 Ninetails, I think that Silent Lab will clutter my hand, so I can probably remove 2 for something.