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I 'Aint About This Meta (Delphox / Ninetales)


Taste the Rainbow
Pokemon: 17

  • 3| Delphox (XY)
    3| Fenniken (XY Starter Deck)
    3| Ninetails (Primal Clash)
    3| Vulpix (Primal Clash)
    2| Reshiram
    1| Braixen
    1| Litleo
    1| Pyroar
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 15/12/4

  • 3| Fiery Torch
    3| Rare Candy
    3| Vs Seeker
    2| Battle Compressor
    2| Evosoda
    2| Ultra Ball

    4| Blacksmith
    2| Lysandre
    2| N
    2| Professor Sycamore
    2| Skyla

    4| Silent Lab
Energy: 12

  • 12| Fire Energy

The majority of mainstream decks right now rely on basic Pokemon. Silent Labs shuts down all of their abilities, stopping a lot of them in their tracks. Ninetails will ensure that my labs stays on the field, and stops my opponents stadiums. Delphox is my draw engine and is actually a pretty heavy attacker, doing 110 for 3 energies. Pyroar is a wall for the opposing basic Pokemon.

A few things I'm considering are a Float Stone or two for free retreat for Pyroar or Reshiram. Something I need to add whenever I can get my hands on it is Seismitoad-EX. With 3 Ninetails, I think that Silent Lab will clutter my hand, so I can probably remove 2 for something.
RE: I aint about this meta

You should be about this Meta, because this Meta is flooded with Basics that aren't reliant on Abilities that will stop you in your tracks if you plan on running Delphox as your main attacker. Not to mention, playing such a thin line of Pyroar to use as a "wall" is going to hurt more than it will help. What if Litleo and/or Pyroar are prized? And with such a low Ultra Ball count to go along with it, it's not going to be that easy to set up even if they do end up in your deck.

Also, what happens if you run into Garbodor? No Xerosic or Startling Megaphone. That single card would shut down your entire deck. And you can't be so reliant on Delphox for draw support. You're only playing a total of 4 true draw Supporters, which is only going to hurt your consistency. I think you're trying to do too much with this deck.

Just a few things to think about.
RE: I aint about this meta

Admittedly, I know I am doing too much with this deck, but its not designed to be competitive, but fun at a competitive level. I do need another Pyroar, I just dont have one at the moment. Assuming I can get my hands on everything, Im thinking of going

-1/1/1 Delphox
-1 Rare Candy
-2 Silent Lab
+2 Seismitoad-EX
+1/1 Pyroar
+2 Double Colorless