• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

I am a N00b! (Charizard / Victini EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Charmander LTR
    2 Charmeleon BCR
    4 Charizard LTR
    2 Miltank FLF
    3 Litleo FLF
    3 Pyroar FLF

  • 4 Juniper
    4 Skyla
    2 Pal Pad
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Muscle Band
    3 Blacksmith
    2 Switch
    1 Scramble Switch
    4 Ultra Ball

  • 10 Fire
    4 Double Colorless

I don't really have a lot of strategy because I have just started and am a huge NOOB at this game :) haha. As you can tell I am new to this forum too.

My "strategy" is I have a lot of basic Pokemon because I want to start off strong instead of having to evolve from a basic that is so called "weak" if you understand, with the exception of the Charmander line.

My Victini EX can use its Turbo Energize to power up my Charizard when it's in the bench so it can come into the active spot all energized and ready to attack, since its my main attacker.

Energy Retrieval can get back the lost energy from Charizard's Scorching Fire attack

Rare Candy will be able to evolve my Charmander into a Charizard without needing its Stage 1 Evo Charmeleon, but I have 2 just in case.

Thank You so much for helping and putting up with my noobishness, I am VERY new to everything so help me understand the fundamentals please. :):D

Oh and btw I would like the Pokemon suggestions if you guys have any to be from Boundaries Crossed and up please. Thank you very much :)

Welcome to Pokebeach! Keep in mind that the template that you had to delete to post this is actually meant to keep our decklists in a uniform manner -- you can just fill in your Pokemon, Trainers and whatnot in their respective points in the list, and you'll be up to par! Either way, I have edited your list to coincide with the rules. Thanks! ~Kecleon
RE: Help With Deck Build: Charizard/Victini EX I am a newbie

What is your budget? I to am a noob. I played this game 2 years ago and just came back 1 or 2 weeks ago. So yeah. I am going to build a lugia plasma deck, and possibly the deck that won masters division in nats.
RE: Help With Deck Build: Charizard/Victini EX I am a newbie

Neos said:
What is your budget? I to am a newbie. I played this game 2 years ago and just came back 1 or 2 weeks ago. So yeah. I am going to build a lugia plasma deck, and possibly the deck that won masters division in nats.

I have a pretty large budget as long as I don't spend more than a hundred dollars if that's what you mean
RE: I am a newbie! (Charizard / Victini EX)

I think I'm going to change all the skylas to korrinas, sounds like a good idea?
RE: I am a newbie! (Charizard / Victini EX)

FireblazE581 said:
I think I'm going to change all the skylas to korrinas, sounds like a good idea?

Why would you do that?? Skyla searches items, supporters, stadiums. Korrina only searches items. And you aren't running fighting pokemon. Skyla is definitely much better
RE: I am a newbie! (Charizard / Victini EX)

AlexanderTheAwesome said:
FireblazE581 said:
I think I'm going to change all the skylas to korrinas, sounds like a good idea?

Why would you do that?? Skyla searches items, supporters, stadiums. Korrina only searches items. And you aren't running fighting pokemon. Skyla is definitely much better

I read the card wrong!! woops Yeah you're definitely right!! sorry haha
Stage 2's take up a lot of space, but if you really want to, I would go for something like this. I bolded some of the cards I added to your list that you should check out as they are really good cards and-or staples. It's very similar in concept to Charizard EX in that you attach a Muscle Band to it and hit for 170 which one shots some EX's. I took your list and made it focused on Charizard; most of the other Pokemon in your deck weren't really all that playable, mainly because they require Energy acceleration in order to be effective. I could see Victini being useful in here, except that its a very frail EX, and you can achieve surprisingly decent energy acceleration via Blacksmith and Pal Pad instead. I left the Kyurem in because you do need something other than Charizard, and I suppose its Outrage attack could be nice taking only a DCE, but I would strongly recommend Pyroar instead so that you can wall with it while you attempt to set up Charizard, and Pyroar is not that bad of an attacker itself. In fact, you could be attacking with Pyroar and then Scramble Switch to fully set up Charizard. Or maybe if not Pyroar then Mewtwo since it's pretty splashable and works well enough with just a DCE.

But the biggest problem with your deck was the lack of Supporters and overabundance of Energies. (Don't worry though; it happens a lot.) I'd say 12 is a good average for Energies, and you want enough Supporters to be able to go through your deck so that you can get your cards into play. You should like this a lot better. Let me know what you think.

FireblazE581 said:
Pokemon (12):

  • 4 Charizard LTR
    2 Charmeleon BCR
    4 Charmander LTR
    2 Kyurem LTR

  • 4 Professor Juniper/Sycamore
    4 N
    4 Skyla
    3 Blacksmith
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Pal Pad
    2 Superior Energy Retrieval
    2 Switch
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Scramble Switch
Energy (14):

  • 10 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy
Mora said:
Stage 2's take up a lot of space, but if you really want to, I would go for something like this. I bolded some of the cards I added to your list that you should check out as they are really good cards and-or staples. It's very similar in concept to Charizard EX in that you attach a Muscle Band to it and hit for 170 which one shots some EX's. I took your list and made it focused on Charizard; most of the other Pokemon in your deck weren't really all that playable, mainly because they require Energy acceleration in order to be effective. I could see Victini being useful in here, except that its a very frail EX, and you can achieve surprisingly decent energy acceleration via Blacksmith and Pal Pad instead. I left the Kyurem in because you do need something other than Charizard, and I suppose its Outrage attack could be nice taking only a DCE, but I would strongly recommend Pyroar instead so that you can wall with it while you attempt to set up Charizard, and Pyroar is not that bad of an attacker itself. In fact, you could be attacking with Pyroar and then Scramble Switch to fully set up Charizard. Or maybe if not Pyroar then Mewtwo since it's pretty splashable and works well enough with just a DCE.

But the biggest problem with your deck was the lack of Supporters and overabundance of Energies. (Don't worry though; it happens a lot.) I'd say 12 is a good average for Energies, and you want enough Supporters to be able to go through your deck so that you can get your cards into play. You should like this a lot better. Let me know what you think.

FireblazE581 said:
Pokemon (12):

  • 4 Charizard LTR
    2 Charmeleon BCR
    4 Charmander LTR
    2 Kyurem LTR

  • 4 Professor Juniper/Sycamore
    4 N
    4 Skyla
    3 Blacksmith
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Pal Pad
    2 Superior Energy Retrieval
    2 Switch
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Scramble Switch
Energy (14):

  • 10 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

Wow! Thank you so much! You seem to know what you're doing :) And yeah your suggestions are pretty reasonable, I'll try to use most of them.
RE: I am a newbie! (Charizard / Victini EX)

Ok this is my new deck, maybe it's better?

4 Charmander LTR
2 Charmeleon BCR
4 Charizard LTR
2 Miltank FLF
3 Litleo FLF
3 Pyroar FLF

4 Juniper
4 Skyla
2 Pal Pad
4 Rare Candy
4 Muscle Band
3 BlackSmith
2 Switch
1 Scramble Switch
4 Ultra Ball

10 Fire
4 Colorless


My strategy is technically like the helpful guys suggestion up there^^
But with an addition of Miltank because I wanted another attacker and it helps if I have a charizard in the bench for the extra 70 damage. It seems to be a good Pokemon to start off with idk give me your guys' opinions. :)