Once during your turn when you play tuyphlosion ex from your hand to evolve one of your pokemon, you may use this power. Well, whenever you evolve your quilava/with or without rare candy into typhlosion ex or when you evolve your cindaquil with rare candy into typhlosion ex you may use this power. Then you count the number of your opponent's benched pokemon (these are the pokemon your opponent has in play, except for it's active pokemon(s))
for example he has an active blastoise and 2 squirtles and a lapras on his bench, this means you may search a total of 3 fire energycards in your deck and attach those three energycards to one of your pokemon.
PS. -This power can't be used if you evolve you quilava using wally's training,
-and the energies you attach when using this power aren't considerd as "attached from you hand"
- and you can only search for basic energy cards, so no Double rainbow or multi energy
that's all there is to it