Ruling I Choose Right????

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Aspiring Trainer
im using the new Aggron EX from Crystal Guardians and i need a rulling for one of his attacks. the attack is Slipt Bomb. Its text states "choose 2 of your opponents pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to each of them. (Dont apply weekness and resistence for Benched Pokemon.)"
I need to know if i have to choose 2 different Pokemon or if can attack the same one twice. The text doesnt say that i must choose two different pokemon, it just says two pokemon. Please clear this up for me. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
IPM is correct. If your opponent has only 1 Pokémon in play, then you only do 30 damage to it, not 60. If they have 2 or more in play, however, then you MUST choose 2.
yeah its does say "CHOOSE TWO OF YOUR OPPONENTS POKEMON" but its vague about it. there are some texts that say "TWO DIFFERENT POKEMON"....and thats very clear but Slipt Bomb does not.
That's wrong, actually. The only card that says "2 different Pokémon" is Skyridge Politoed.

And I don't see how Split Bomb isn't clear.

"Choose 2 of your opponent's Pokémon..."

How many of my opponent's Pokémon do I choose?

I choose 2.

Nowhere does it say you can target the same Pokémon twice. Power Keepers Armaldo is the only card that has that honor.
It can't do more than 30 damage to any pokemon unless there is a special enhancement (trainer, weakness etc.)
Well im still not sure but if thats the ruling i keep getting then ill go with it. Thanks for helpin me out.
You have to choose 2 because the card did not say that you may choose either 1 or 2 of your opponent's pokemon.
But if it did say that, then you can do what you intented to do.
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