I got a Question


Aspiring Trainer
What decks viable and under 100 Dollars. I want to build Speedrill, but it doesn't look fun at all. 120 Damage a turn? I'd rather have a challenge. I currently have the cards for Machamp, but no deck list. I'm interested in Gengar does anyone know how much it would cost, and a list? I think I might be asking too much.
You want a challenge yet you scrub off Beedrill and consider Gengar and Machamp?


Lets see, interesting decks to play under 100 bucks...

Gardevoir/Gallade. Expensive cards: Gardevoir SW, Gallade SW, Gardevoir LVX, Claydol GE. Should total near the 100 bucks mark. Downside: SW might be rotated after worlds. A fun and tough deck to play.
Shiftry Rising Rivals. Expensive cards: Shiftry RR, Claydol GE. Should be pretty cheap and one strategic deck to play. Decide on whether you want to beat down or control, either version will work. Control is cheaper. Refer to my Shiftry article for explanation.

Just 2 quick suggestions.
lol speedrill is usually never 120 a turn, 90 at most from when i've seen people play it. infernape 4 LV.X wouldn't be too hard to build, depending on what techs you want for it, uxie and infernape X are the most expensive.
gengar will be fairly cheap.
expensive cards include uxie.lol
the rest you can pick up fairly cheap except for some T/S/S
If you're unable to build a decklist for an easy deck like Machamp, I wouldn't even bother. Just practice a whole lot more with deckbuilding and you'll eventually get it right and think of your own deck. And read the Modified section of the Beach for inspiration (do NOT copy decks).
But since you asked...
Cradily LA is a decent deck and inappropriately cheap. You need 3 Cradily, 3 Cherrim SF, 1 Uxie and 2 Claydol and that's it for rares. It is however extremely hard to play right, and therefore very fun.
Same for Drapion SF. You need 3 Drapion SF, 1 Drapion X from PT and 2 Claydol, as well as various possible lines. Again, to make this work takes a lot of knowledge, but if you get it down it's pretty fun.
For a semi-easy-but-still-fun deck to play, go for Bellossom. Get 4 Bellossom LA, 1 Vileplume LA and 2 Claydol. Probably the cheapest of the whole list I gave you. It's capable of some fast damage, but to win with it requires at least some tactics.
Toxitank is the last cheap deck I can think of. 4 Toxicroak G, 2 Skuntank G (isn't even a rare) and maybe a Dialga G and G X along with some Uxies. Not that hard to play but it's better than you'd think.