I have a question


Aspiring Trainer
Cya people i have a question about diamond and pearl prerelease
dont ask why i need to know i just need to know :p
Why did the D/P series in europe come up so late ? in USA the edition camed up in may but in europe the prereleases started in July .
THX for all the asnwers
This may be when you found out about them, but it was not the beginning of Pre-releases in Europe.
No, you are wrong. There has been Organized Play in Europe for quite a long time. Pre-releases may have started recently in your area, but they have been going on since at least Diamond and Pearl.
I don't get you. I've been playing since the EX series, and have kept in contact with quite a few people in the UK and Europe. I have read reports from all sorts of events, and know for a fact that there has been Organized Play in Europe for at least 3 years. In a pretty large presence.

There have been pre-releases and all other series of events in Europe for the 3 years I've been playing. The Pokemon Company International expanded and opened a European branch to support distribution and Organized Play.

There is no reason to answer your question, as it is based on an incorrect assumption.