i have girl troubles tell me how to get a girl

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Fire Mew said:
hi I dated a girl and now I need a new one. but there is a girl that every one says she likes me how do I confront my love:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
"I need a new one" makes you seem like a male chauvinist and a little needy. Other then that don't worry about it. Girl's come in your life when you least expect it, but just remember don't freeze up and don't miss the opportunity.
Yes, pretty much what he said. And don't wait too long either. I missed one because she moved :(

LOL, I'm short!! :p the avvy rocks!!
thats how my first one came but it was so weird i told her ex that i liked her and he told her and who knew she was madly in love with me

thanks you guys i will take youre advice

Didn't bother looking for the answer, did we?
We've had like a million of these silly threads before, seriously, it's getting lame. I should really just sticky Kru's guide.
I would make a beach joke here but I think it's already covered. Anyways, just straight up approach her and ask her out (though don't seem too agressive. Just have to have that right amount of lust to get her attention). Girls love it when a guy does that. The more friendly, the better (unless you think they like a B.A.).
LOL, use the Drake and Josh technique. Compliment her shoes, and walk away :p
yeah, just be nice, and not too aggresive. Otherwise she won't like you...
You know i should totally write a guide about it i cant stand these threads. But with your problem well i guess the best thing to do is ask. Who cares about what he/she says does it matter there are thousands of fish in the sea.
Well if it was me, I would just go on out and tell her before it is to late. Plus they all know that all of us are embaressed to ask, but even if you are rejected the first time you ask. Don't let it break your heart. Soon everybody will forget that you even asked her and it won't be a big deal.
If you do get rejected, you shoould try and befriend her a little in the months to come and then ask her again. The first time I was going to ask someone out, I was really embarassed to ask her, but I just asked one of my good friends to ask her out for me.

Hope that helps a little!:p
Krucifier said:
Oh my God. That's it. I am SO writing the second official Pokebeach how to pick up girls guide! >:/
I think somebody with a girlfriend should do this.
Fire Mew said:
I like a girl. that every one says she likes me how do I confront my love:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

well congrats

I am not good with girls but if you want to say "you love her" or "you like her"
then I wouldn't advise sending a note just encase she tells everyone and you get completely embarrassed by the whole school.

Maybe you should ask a VERY TRUSTWORTHY friend to ask her
It depends what type off girlfriend she is + If "everyone" is reliable then just ask one off her freinds if she Actually likes you , then ask her out.just be comfident really:)
Krucifier said:
Oh my God. That's it. I am SO writing the second official Pokebeach how to pick up girls guide! >:/

I've read it.

I'm a girl and if you did any of those steps I would laugh and then kick you.
DiamondMaster said:
Krucifier said:
Oh my God. That's it. I am SO writing the second official Pokebeach how to pick up girls guide! >:/

I've read it.

I'm a girl and if you did any of those steps I would laugh and then kick you.

You realize that thread was a joke, right? RIGHT? Please tell me you knew it was a joke. Otherwise I would have really lost all hope in Pokebeach. =S
trevorispro said:
overconfidence is the key to picking up chicks.
basically don't be afraid to "go there"

I wouldn't say overconfidence, just confidence. Anyway just ask the girl out for a traditional dinner and movie and or coffee. Just don't press on her. Kinda get to know her first or date, because if you get together without dating first things just get hectic.
OR, you could always pay A girl thing/hooker.... :O

It wasnt me that said it.
Krucifier said:
DiamondMaster said:
Krucifier said:
Oh my God. That's it. I am SO writing the second official Pokebeach how to pick up girls guide! >:/

I've read it.

I'm a girl and if you did any of those steps I would laugh and then kick you.

You realize that thread was a joke, right? RIGHT? Please tell me you knew it was a joke. Otherwise I would have really lost all hope in Pokebeach. =S

Pokebeach is so definitely the last place you should ask for girl help.
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