I have some newbish questions.


Aspiring Trainer
1) If you have two pokemon with the same Poke-Power, can they both use it during your turn unless it says otherwise? For instance if I had two Metagrosses out, could I use Magnetic Reversal twice?

2) Do pokemon like Bibarel and Toxicroak G block damage that is in the move explanation and not next to the name? So could Salamence with Dragon Finish not even do damage to an active Toxicroak G? And what about moves that mention damage counters rather than damage?
Ok, I'll try to help, even though I think this belongs in the TCG Questions section...

Pi3ce0fmind said:
1) If you have two pokemon with the same Poke-Power, can they both use it during your turn unless it says otherwise? For instance if I had two Metagrosses out, could I use Magnetic Reversal twice?
Yes, unless it says something like what Gardevoir's (SW) Poke Power says. Unless it says "You can't use more than 1 [put Poke Power name here] each turn.", it's OK, as long as it's not by the exact same Pokemon. (It's OK to use 2 Cosmic Power if you have 2 Claydols in play.)

Pi3ce0fmind said:
2) (1)Do pokemon like Bibarel and Toxicroak G block damage that is in the move explanation and not next to the name? (2)So could Salamence with Dragon Finish not even do damage to an active Toxicroak G? (3)And what about moves that mention damage counters rather than damage?
(1)Yes and no, depending if it's an effect of an attack. If it's an effect of an attack (placing damage counters, special conditions, discarding Energy etc.) it prevents it. (2) No, because that's direct damage. Placing damage counters is indirect. (3) What about them? They get stopped by Bibarel/Toxicroak G/Unown G, too.