I laugh at the HS trainer starter kit...


Aspiring Trainer
Hey kids! Start playing pokemon today!

This new 2 player pokemon pack will help you learn to play!

Do you guys know about weaknesses? You don't?

Junior A, you can use the Raichu Deck!
Junior B, you can use the Gyarados Deck!

Junior B: I don't know much, but isn't my deck destined to lose every single time?


Why would they make a starter pack like this? Seriously?
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Plus, even without weakness, Raichu is soooo much better than Gyarados.
Yeah it does look pretty unbalanced to me, theres not even an advantage such as making the electic deck's main attacker a stage 2, giving gyarados a chance to set up first.

Ah well I don'y buy these sort of things anyway, unless theres useful staples or cool added extras.
Yeah, this Starter Kit was a complete failure, even with the additional pack. I didn't like this whatsoever, so I didn't even bother buying it for the cool-looking Raichu.
This happened with the last one lol. There wasn't even any weakness involved as far as I know, and the Lucario won every time. We tried switching decks, replaying, everything. 90% chance that Lucario would win. Same here. I might buy it for cards, not the decks, but I first want to buy blisters and other cool stuff at the card shop.
Tyraniking said:
This happened with the last one lol. There wasn't even any weakness involved as far as I know, and the Lucario won every time. We tried switching decks, replaying, everything. 90% chance that Lucario would win. Same here. I might buy it for cards, not the decks, but I first want to buy blisters and other cool stuff at the card shop.

That was actually how I started cards, and it was about 50/50 between both. Whoever was luckier would win. If the Manaphy deck got out Floatzel or Seaking out before the Lucario deck got out Lucario or Machoke, they would win, and vice versa. There was very little searching/draw support so it was all up to your starting hand.

Well, That's how I experienced it, at least.
EspeonROX said:
Yeah, this Starter Kit was a complete failure, even with the additional pack. I didn't like this whatsoever, so I didn't even bother buying it for the cool-looking Raichu.

It had a pack, two collectors, and two communication. So the pack being $3.5, collectors being $2 each and communication being $2.5 each it comes to $12.50, which isn't that bad of a deal even if everything else was cud. (although the alternate art raichu's were cool)
amisheskimoninja said:
It had a pack, two collectors, and two communication. So the pack being $3.5, collectors being $2 each and communication being $2.5 each it comes to $12.50, which isn't that bad of a deal even if everything else was cud. (although the alternate art raichu's were cool)

That's why I wanna buy it! Save money on the pokemon communication and collector and you get raichu and gyarados + a booster pack. To me it's a fair deal
Does it really come with Collector's and Communicator's? If I buy that I get 4 of each and nice tradebait. If only it came with DCE, which is really not that unrealistic since Gyarados will die without it. I'll probably end up buying it. I believe the EX starter kits were nicer though.
I agree, it was definitely a silly decision. I think it's great to teach new players about weakness, but not when the main creatures in your deck are weak to the creatures in the other deck, heh.
The person with the Gyarados deck will learn failure at an early age.

It was a silly choice, yes, but you and your friend/sibling/neighbourhood hobo can just switch decks.
The HS Starter Pack made me wonder: How much does pokemonUSA know about Weaknesses like how many times is gyarados going to win the chances are 0.1/1000000 why make that kind of deck. At least balance out the types! God