22 Pokemon
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Swallot AR
3 Sableye
3 Spiritomb
2 Uxie
1 Unkown Q
20 T/S/S
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebes Search
3 Seeker
2 Twins
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer *or Cynthias guidance
18 Energy
2 Psychic
2 rainbow (damage on Swalot)
5 Dark
4 Special Darkness
4 warp
I just made this deck up now because i kinda like swalot, i know its a sucky card but i just felt like playing it. So i was thinking of ways to use him. basically set up tyranitar and attack and spread with him, all the while decreasing swallots hp. Hopefully by the time swallot hp is low enough ive set up enough energy to attack with tyranitars other attacks. Tyranitar dies or i warp him out bring out swallot use his attack (only if the defending pokemon has a lot of hp left). Swallot will probably die but yeah...not really an amazing deck full of lulz so any help will be nice. thanks
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Swallot AR
3 Sableye
3 Spiritomb
2 Uxie
1 Unkown Q
20 T/S/S
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebes Search
3 Seeker
2 Twins
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer *or Cynthias guidance
18 Energy
2 Psychic
2 rainbow (damage on Swalot)
5 Dark
4 Special Darkness
4 warp
I just made this deck up now because i kinda like swalot, i know its a sucky card but i just felt like playing it. So i was thinking of ways to use him. basically set up tyranitar and attack and spread with him, all the while decreasing swallots hp. Hopefully by the time swallot hp is low enough ive set up enough energy to attack with tyranitars other attacks. Tyranitar dies or i warp him out bring out swallot use his attack (only if the defending pokemon has a lot of hp left). Swallot will probably die but yeah...not really an amazing deck full of lulz so any help will be nice. thanks