i like to post stupid questions but....


Aspiring Trainer
im sure you've seen the tins that come with an X in the window of it with several packs inside. Are those X cards tourny legal? I'm not sure but I would consider them promos and not legal. I've been playing for a few months now and I have a lot of old cards and I'm trying to get more into a legal format frame of mind. thanks in advance guys.
RE: I like to post stupid questions but...

Yes you can use them as long as the pack version is not rotated
RE: I like to post stupid questions but...

Kashmaster is partially right. Currently, every DP-Series promo is legal for modified play, that includes the Tin LVX cards. If, for example, Great Encounters would be rotated out but DP Promo #20 and above would still be allowed, then Dialga LVX would still be legal in play because his tin version is of a higher number as 20 and as such be considered a reprint.