Ruling i love asking questions. Alakazam X question


Aspiring Trainer
He says "AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE, you may move 1 damage counter from 1 SP to another SP". Since "as often as you like", does that mean as many as you like or just one and thats it?
It means you can use the power as many times during your turn as you would like to. Each time you move a damage counter it counts as triggering the poke-power. This is important if Aerodactyl MD is in play or if your opponent wants to get rid of Power Sprays. Make sure not to repeatedly move a damage counter back and forth continuously or you may be penalized for stalling.
~POP Professor
Yes, if a card says, "As often as you like" then that means what it says- As often as you like during your turn.
Brawler - don't spam, the question was obviously already answered and you provided no further aid to this thread.
So Say I want to move 8 damage counters do I have to do them 1 at a time like would I have to announce the power move 1 announce the power move 1 and so on or could I just say that I am gonna move 8 to save time?
Say "I'm going to use this 8 times". Just to make sure your opponent knows exactly how many you're moving.