I need assistance from someone in Japan.


Bloods for Life- So if you banging
I have itunes. And I always browse through foreign songs. Well the free song of the week in Japan is "sakuragicho Graffiti Hibiki Mix". I LOVE IT! Even though it is free, I can't download it. So can one someone in Japan, or has access to download Japanese Songs, get it for me, burn it to a cd, then put it back on your computer, then upload it on a media sharing site, then give me the link. You have to burn it to a cd, for it to be a regular .mp3 and not one only for itunes use. I REALLY WANT THIS SONG!
Please LOL! I WANT THIS SONG! And I can pay you back via paypal, but can anyone buy two songs by B'z. From their Shout-ep. On iTunes Japan it is the album with the number one song!