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Standard I need help with a Lapras GX deck I'm trying to build


ya better watch out
I'm relatively new to the TCG and I really need some help with a deck I'm working on. Here's the deck list. Keep in mind that it's unfinished and it's still a work in progress
  • 2 Lapras GX
  • 1 Tapu Fini GX
  • 1 Blastoise EX
  • 4 Professor Kukui
  • 1 Mallow
  • 2 Lillie
  • 1 Nest Ball
  • 3 Max Potion
  • 3 Rescue Stretcher
  • 4 Aqua Patch
  • 2 Energy Recycler
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 2 Choice Band
  • 1 Brooklet Hill
I plan to replace the Switches with a Manaphy EX and also plan to put M Blastoise EX in the deck. I don't know what direction to put the deck in at the moment so please tell me what I should do. Please tell me what cards I should add or remove and what strategies I should use.
Try looking into using Kingdra(BurningShadows) so you can snipe their bench. Personally I wouldn't use a water deck as there isn't much to choose any more. Maybe try looking at Worlds Successful decks and building of those.
Then again you could use Alolan Ninetales GX. Watch some YouTubers to learn some common strategies.I hope I helped.