I need help with YouTube!


Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! :)
I have just made an account on YouTube, but whenever I try to post a video, it says that it failed and in parentheses it says this:

(invalid file format)

Can someone help me?
What format are you posting the video in? I think they only accept mpg, mpeg, wmv, and swf. Idk I'm not a big video poster on youtube.
Oh. Well do you know how I change the format? I am not posting from ANY of those.
You go to the Windows Movie Maker thing and go to file and save using the Save Movie File option. Then you can upload it on you tube. My account there is DeathSharingan..
Okay...I still don't get it...could you put it step by step please!?! That would be great!
Windows Movie Maker > File > (instead of Save Project) use Save Movie File .

Then a window will open (Movie Wizard or something like that) and just follow the step.

Tell me if it works.