I need Pokemon Stadium help (Pika Cup)


Ahhhhh back.....er....kind of
i have tried so many times and i cant beat the pika cup poke ball (pretty sad i know) i get to the semi finals and i can beat the chicks tentacruel. i would have won by now but my transfer pack is broken. any rental team that i could use to win. it has been bugging me lately to beat that and i have tried and tried.
RE: Pokemon Stadium Help

go to the exchange store and buy a transfer pack? or whatever store sells older games in your area.
RE: Pokemon Stadium Help

Hmm idk just keep trying? Which pokemon do you use in the pokecup? I grab a variety of elements and always have a fire or electric in my three choice. Hope I am helping?
RE: Pokemon Stadium Help

i always use this team

Starmie: psywave, bubblebeam, thunder, substitute

Arcanine: dig, bite, ember, double team

Nidoking: poisin sting, earthquake, bubblebeam, double kick

Raichu: thunder, thunder wave, seismic toss, growl

Gengar: confuse ray, night shade, giga drain, metronome

Lickitung: double-edge, supersonic, fire blast, thunder

starmie is almost always on any of my teams because of thunder. i dont know of any old game stores around here. ill have to look some up but i might do that.