I Need Your Opinions!



Okay, so basicly, I've quit collecting/battling with Pokemon cards since the release of DP. I'm planning to get back in the game, but I need your opinions for a deck I should play. Please, try not to suggest G&G- I want to be different. I'm not asking for a decklist, but your opinion of what deck I should play, or suggest what I should do to get started again. One deck that I might play is T2 Houndoom, but I'm still not certain.

Post Your Opinions here!
Ok a good deck for starters is Empoleon.Try and run an Empoleon varient.Also if you are thinking of playing T2Doom....DON'T.It really isnt all that great.Because you arent really guaranteed a T2 Houndoom.Hope I helped.
Inquire about the local metagame seeing what the most played decks are and how you could counter them, or play something rogue.

Houndoom is playable with the right Pokémon, Trainer/Supporter/Stadoum cards, and strategy. I think a Torterra (Grass)/Darkrai+Houndoom (Darkness) deck would be rogue. You have Pokémon that can deal damage, heal damage, or inflict Special Conditions with additional effects.
Some facts you should know about DP.

1} You need speed in this era. Everything here is extremely fast so keep up. Don't play heavy decks.
2} Darkrai sucks because of the reason I mentioned above.
3} Magmortar and gallantry rule the matagame. However, they are easily defeated if they get a bad start. There's where T2 decks like kricketune, banette and houndoom come in handy.
4} If you want a starter's deck use empoleon.
5} If you like your games quick, use T2.
6} Once you get used to it all, try blissey. But be sure to put in Holon FF to bulletproof yourself against gallade.