I once heard something?


Thanks to Chill_Glacia for the Avatar
i once heard there was a tyranitar binder given at the professors cup.
And being the huge tyranitar collector i naturally want one.but i have never even seen it. cant find it anywhere. so is it true?
if it is and you have one pm me and we will talk trade.
tyranitar77 said:
I once heard there was a tyranitar binder given at the professors cup.
And being the huge tyranitar collector I naturally want one.but I have never even seen it. cant find it anywhere. so is it true?
if it is and you have one pm me and we will talk trade.

Yep, there is one. It's a 4 sleeve one.
I have won 2 but given them away. ^^;

I don't know if they are harder to find now, but I can possibly get one.​
if you could get one i would love to trade for it. just let me know if you do. and well talk.
ohh and i already checked about 20 sites like ebay cause a friend of mine told me he saw 1 but he might have been messing with me.
My proffesor has one. I doubt you'll find them online, since they are new, and pretty valuable. Your best bet is to PM professors here and on the Gym to see if they are willing to sell. Expect an offer around 30+. (Which is a rip, but you're always going to get ripped on scarce items ;[
That's why I'd try to get one, for him.
Cause I think $30 is a rip off for that binder.
My professor has like 7 of them, but i have to see if he would give me one.​
my friend if he wasnt messing with me one with a stamp saying 2007 professor cup in silver was on ebay for 19.99 plus 3.99 shiping
tyranitar77 said:
my friend if he wasnt messing with me one with a stamp saying 2007 professor cup in silver was on ebay for 19.99 plus 3.99 shiping

i Have one of them. It wasn't just from the professor's cup. I got it from a professor as a door prize last year. It is 90% mint. how much would you be willing to trade for it? Would you trade and X?
I've seen about 2 or 3 of them belonging to various people at my league. They're obviously real, and yeah they're pretty valuable.
They are in the professor store at this point, however, they don't have the professor cup stamp like the batch given out at the cup did.