I pulled a misprint!!!

Black Winged Gengar

Apocalyptic Phantom
I'm pretty sure I just pulled a misprint Togetic d (DF) ^^ The Dragon Frontiers logo is in the middle kinda towards the left side of the card's picture instead of the usual bottom right. I should have a scan up soon. If this isn't common or if this isn't actually a misprint, how valueble do you think this would be compared to an EX or *?

I'll have a scan up ASAP
It is the common parallel foil, with the dragon frontiers logo.
If they print it in the normal way, it would be in togetic's face.
Same thing happened with lapras LM.
It is not a misprint.
That is the normal version of every reverse foil Togetic in Dragon Frontier.
Wow I would have thought the same thing too. It must be because they did not want to cover up the face of the pokemon so they moved it so it would fit on the card.:)
They do this commonly in many cards. With the EX sets having so many holographic versions for commons and such, it's no wonder they edit the cards so much. Don't get too excited, your card has the value of any other rare revere holographic card.