I think this was a Great DEAL

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Aspiring Trainer
Ok I was at the card shop yesterday and ask this guy if he would sell or trade his 2x Darkrai Lv.X, Palkia Lv.X (Promo), 2x Pachi [GE], 2x Togekiss [GE], 3x Darkrai [GE] (the good one) and some other RHs and Holos..... He said he can only sell because he DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE.... So I ask him the price he would sell it to me and he said 40$.... I said "Yeah I can do that"....
He wants us to agree/disagree about whether it is a good deal or not? I think it is, but then again, I don't buy cards, especially not rare expensive cards. From the list you named, I'd only want the Pachi so I would never pay 40$ for it.
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