This is designed to be a very disruptive deck.
Pokemon: 22
3-2-2 Glaceon Lv.X (UL-RR-MD)
2-1 Giritina Lv.X (both let loose)
4 Sableye
1 Jirachi
2 Uxie
1 Mesprit
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
1-1 Mismagius (SF-SF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 22
3 Bebe's Search
3 Team Rockets Trickery
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker
1 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Judge
1 Flower Shop Lady
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Warp Point
2 Premier Ball
1 Luxury Ball
7 Water
3 Psychic
2 Rescue
1 Warp
Strategy: Start with Sableye and use a collector to grab mesprit, Giritina, and Eevee. Next turn drop Eevee and Mesprit for psychic bind play anything good in your hand then use Let loose. Impersonate to either start setting up Glaceon or mess with your opponents hand more with a cyrus or rockets trickery. Once the deck is set up with a glaceon and giritina X then the combination of Ice bind and Invisible tentacles keeps your opponents hand low and if they ever have 0 cards then they cant attack and they will be paralyzed once you use Ice Bind. No fear of uxie drawing cards because of glaceon lv.X's body Chilly Breath.
Pokemon: 22
3-2-2 Glaceon Lv.X (UL-RR-MD)
2-1 Giritina Lv.X (both let loose)
4 Sableye
1 Jirachi
2 Uxie
1 Mesprit
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
1-1 Mismagius (SF-SF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 22
3 Bebe's Search
3 Team Rockets Trickery
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker
1 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Judge
1 Flower Shop Lady
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Warp Point
2 Premier Ball
1 Luxury Ball
7 Water
3 Psychic
2 Rescue
1 Warp
Strategy: Start with Sableye and use a collector to grab mesprit, Giritina, and Eevee. Next turn drop Eevee and Mesprit for psychic bind play anything good in your hand then use Let loose. Impersonate to either start setting up Glaceon or mess with your opponents hand more with a cyrus or rockets trickery. Once the deck is set up with a glaceon and giritina X then the combination of Ice bind and Invisible tentacles keeps your opponents hand low and if they ever have 0 cards then they cant attack and they will be paralyzed once you use Ice Bind. No fear of uxie drawing cards because of glaceon lv.X's body Chilly Breath.