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Standard Ice Path (Glaceon GX / Alolan Ninetales GX / Tapu Koko)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


Pokémon (15):
  • 2 Alolan Ninetales GX (beatdown)
  • 2 Alolan Vulpix (evolution)
  • 3 Glaceon GX (beatdown)
  • 4 Eevee SM1 (evolution)
  • 2 Tapu Lele GX (search)
  • 2 Tapu Koko (snipe)
Trainer (33):
  • 3 Professor Sycamore (draw)
  • 1 Cyrus Prism Star (disable)
  • 1 Bridgette (search)
  • 3 Guzma (control)
  • 3 Cynthia (draw)
  • 3 N (draw)
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
  • 3 Choice Band (beatdown)
  • 4 Aqua Patch (accelerate)
  • 2 Escape Board (retreat)
  • 2 Field Blower (control)
  • 4 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Po Town (disable)
Energy (12):
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 8 Water Energy


Go first and start with Eevee to evolve into Glaceon GX on the first turn. Spread some damage with Glaceon GX and Po Town. Later on switch into Alolan Ninetales GX to ohko the defender. Use Glaceon GX to establish a better board position by slowing the opponent down and setting them back for a few turns with Cyrus Prism Star.
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Pokémon (16):
  • 3 Alolan Ninetales GX (beatdown)
  • 3 Alolan Vulpix (evolution)
  • 3 Glaceon GX (beatdown)
  • 3 Eevee SM1 (evolution)
  • 2 Tapu Lele GX (search)
  • 2 Tapu Koko (snipe)
Trainer (32):
  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
  • 1 Bridgette (search)
  • 3 Guzma (control)
  • 3 Cynthia (draw)
  • 3 N (draw)
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
  • 3 Choice Band (beatdown)
  • 4 Aqua Patch (accelerate)
  • 2 Field Blower (control)
  • 1 Pal Pad (retrieval)
  • 4 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Po Town (disable)
Energy (12):
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 8 Water Energy


Go first and start with Eevee to evolve into Glaceon GX on the first turn. Spread some damage on the initial turns with Glaceon GX and Po Town. Later on switch into Alolan Ninetales GX. Alolan Ninetales GX is rather versatile. He can ohko the defender and continue the spread theme at the same time.


Glaceon GX
Stage 1 Water Pokémon - evolves from Eevee
HP: 200
Ability: Freezing Stare
As long as this Pokémon is your active Pokémon, each of your opponent’s Pokémon EX and GX in play, in their hand, and in their discard pile have no abilities (except for Freezing Stare).
[W][C][C] Frozen Bullet: 90
This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokémon.)
[W][C][C] Polar Spear GX: 50x
This attack does 50 damage times the number of damage counters on your opponent’s active Pokémon.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: M

Pal Pad
Trainer - Item
Shuffle 2 Supporter cards from your discard pile into your deck.

Trainer - Supporter
Shuffle your hand into your deck. Then, draw 6 cards.

Glaceon ability on turn 1 can destroy your enemy set up, I would make that a priority, therefore I would suggest to lower the vulpix and ninetales GX by 1 and adding 2 float stone as this deck doesn't have retreat at all.
Hi Mhunter93,

Thanks for the review. I will consider to include Float Stone but I would like to retain the Pokémon count. I will test Float Stone over Po Town to enable me to retreat into Eevee turn one. Will also see if the deck can fit in Cyrus Prism Star to counter opposing Bridgette if the deck does not start first or if the opponent draws into Bridgette without Tapu Lele GX.