

"grrr" That's my grrrr face
On google chrome there is a message that keeps coming up that says "This website contains contents form icon.iconator.com which contains maliware'.
I have researched and it is those things in your sig that pokeblog has. Don't mean too say anyone's name.

Mods please help. I made this thread for people with the same problem too post about it!
rockinpikachu said:
On google chrome there is a message that keeps coming up that says "This website contains contents form icon.iconator.com which contains maliware'.
I have researched and it is those things in your sig that pokeblog has. Don't mean too say anyone's name.

Mods please help. I made this thread for people with the same problem too post about it!

The weird thing is, my antivirus has this thing that pops-out of everything I click on to see if it contains malicious material or malware, and it came up red when I clicked this link…
Are you talking about the website you put as the title? >__>

dmaster out.
There is some user who has an image from the website and Google Chrome says that there is malware/ virus image on any thread that that user makes a post in.

Lost ftw
Guy89 said:
There is some user who has an image from the website and Google Chrome says that there is malware/ virus image on any thread that that user makes a post in.
^ This.
And viewing specific forums just drives me crazy because of this.
Then... tell us who it is so we can take care of it?
I have the same exact problem on chrome. It gets annoying because you have to check this little box and click continue evreytime you pull u that thread or a page on that thread that user has posted in.
I received this message on Google Chrome as well. And since people have visited those threads on other browsers (assuming they have a decent anti-virus), I don't think it's that much of a threat, just a nuisance for Chrome users.
I can't access any threads that pokeblog has posted in, until there is a whole new page started. It keeps saying that Malware is found on that thread. So I tried to click on pokeblogs profile, but the message came up again for me.
I think it's his Avatar (not the Eggs, a lot of people have those). Anyway, I can't touch the avy (wish I could...) so gotta wait for a Super Mod to.

dmaster out.
Ok we'll see if that work'd keep it open

EDIT: it works now. Let's keep this open or anymore trouble
Yeah, I read over the first post a little fast when I posted that. I realize it was the image from the site now lol.

dmaster out.