Pokemon Ideas for New Pokémon and Type Combinations


Aspiring Trainer
Which Type combos would you like to see next gen?
I came up with this fellow:

List of Types and combinations:
Typed with: Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Fairy
Secondary only: Fire, Electric
Not typed with: Poison, Rock, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel

Typed with: Normal, Fighting, Water, Flying, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Dragon*, Steel
Secondary only: Electric, Bug, Ghost, Dark
Not typed with: Grass, Poison, Ice, Fairy

Typed with: Flying, Psychic, Dark, Steel
Secondary only: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Poison, Rock, Bug
Not typed with: Electric, Ground, Ice, Dragon, Ghost, Fairy

Typed with: Fighting, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Fairy
Secondary only: Normal, Fire, Bug
Not typed with: N/A

Typed with: Dragon
Secondary only: Normal, Fire, Fighting, Water, Grass, Poison, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Fairy
Not typed with: N/A

Typed with: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Psychic, Ice, Dark, Steel, Fairy
Secondary only: Normal, Water, Electric, Rock, Bug, Ghost
Not typed with: Fire, Dragon

Typed with: Fighting, Water, Flying, Ground, Bug, Dragon, Dark
Secondary only: Grass, Ghost
Not typed with: Normal, Fire, Electric, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Steel, Fairy

Typed with: Normal, Fire, Water, Flying, Grass, Ice, Dragon*, Ghost, Steel, Fairy
Secondary only: Ground, Bug
Not typed with: Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Dark

Typed with: Flying, Electric, Psychic, Rock, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel
Secondary only: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Poison, Ice, Bug
Not typed with: Fighting, Fairy

Typed with: Fire, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ghost, Fairy
Secondary only: Normal, Water, Ground, Rock, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Steel
Not typed with: Poison, Electric, Bug

Typed with: Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Fairy
Secondary only: Fire
Not typed with: Normal, Poison, Electric, Ghost

Typed with: Water, Flying, Ground, Psychic, Ghost
Secondary only: Grass, Electric, Rock, Dragon, Dark
Not typed with: Normal, Fire, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fairy

Typed with: Fire, Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Steel
Secondary only: N/A
Not typed with: Normal, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Fairy

Typed with: Fire, Flying, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Ice
Secondary only: Water, Poison, Rock, Ghost, Dark, Steel
Not typed with: Normal, Fighting, Grass, Bug, Fairy

Typed with: Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Dragon
Secondary only: Water, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Dark, Steel
Not typed with: Normal, Fighting, Rock, Fairy

Typed with: Fire, Fighting, Flying, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Ghost, Steel
Secondary only: Water, Grass, Poison, Ground, Rock
Not typed with: Normal, Electric, Bug, Fairy

Typed with: Fighting, Flying, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Dragon, Ghost, Fairy
Secondary only: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Bug, Dark
Not typed with: Normal, Poison, Ice

Typed with: Flying
Secondary only: Normal, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Rock, Steel
Not typed with: Fire, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark

Image form of the above (Excluding the 3 XY event Legendaries) thanks to Mitja.

* Mega Evolution only
As you can see, some types tend to be secondary, like Flying and Fairy, so what if there were more primary Fairy types which aren't pure Fairy?
I'd personally like to see a Water/Fire Prawn with a molten core and semi-transparent skin. Even though there's already a Fire/Water Type, it's still interesting to think how different a Pokémon with the reverse typing could differ in design and Stats.

What would you like to see? Please detail your type combinations, which creature you want it based on, what it could look like (details) and why.
I think Bergmite was a missed opportunity. Stick a flame inside of him, and we would've had our first Ice/Fire type!

Although they probably wouldn't be very good combinations, I would love to see Fire/Poison, Poison/Electric, and another Fire/Electric. Despite the harsh weakness to ground, their movepools could stretch really wide and coming up with designs would be interesting (especially the Poison/Electric... maybe it could be a poisonous eel? :p).
Or maybe a Poison/Electric type could be a Snake with a Signature move called Toxic Shock, which is a Poison type move that Paralyzes the opponent.
I reckon an Ice/Fairy White Tiger based pokemon would be epic, They should change the starter types for 1 generation, they could do steel/fairy/fighting, which could be really cool.
People always post the exotic colorful combos like Water/Fire in this, so instead, I will mention some type combos that feel extremely natural and symbiotic, yet haven't been done more than a few minor occasions or not at all.

For example, Water/Ground, Grass/Poison and Bug/Poison...have all been done for 5 whole lines each, simply because they go together so easy.

But first, there is a surprisingly common combination that exceeds even the aforementioned ones in number:
with 6 lines so far! (Scizor - Forretress - Wormadam - Escavalier - Durant - Genesect)
I would have thought the natural "armor-type", Rock would be more common for insects to employ, but there's only Shuckle and Crustle (and Armaldo, but that one is more of a primitive organism like Kabutops rather than a generic Bug with a Rock-armor)

Now to the ones surprisingly rare or nonexistent.

After 6 generations, there is not a single Bug that's Dark...this one just baffles me for some reason. It must be because of generation 3 adding 2 Water and 2 Grass lines that both end up being Dark. How did Bug not join this club yet? They even went for quite elemental ones already (Electric: Galvantula - Fire: Volcarona). o___o

This one is just common sense. Yet all we have is a single Pokemon: Torterra
I wouldn't be surprised if a generation shows up having 2 simultaneous fresh lines of this combo. I did not expect a pair of Grass/Ghosts before a pair of Grass/Ground plants, at all (although the Ghost pair are awesome! and very fitting.).

-Fire/Poison and Poison/Fire
Not the first thing that comes to mind, but if you think about it for 2 seconds, it makes perfect sense. Both are dangerous, both are hazards....where is this one?

-Electric/Steel and Steel/Electric
These two are just as artificially symbiotic as Grass and Poison are naturally. But just the Magnemite line so far.

Sure there is Ludicolo, but isn't it time for at least something as basic as algae as far as actual underwater vegitation goes?
This one has Tentacruel and forgettable Qwilfish, but it feels quite underused with that, given that Water is the most common type of Pokemon there is.

It was famous for having no weaknesses, but the representatives so far are two mono-stagers that aren't exactly top percentage material: Sableye(Dark/Ghost) and Spiritomb(Ghost/Dark).
Shouldn't there be a proper 3-stage sneaky ghost that would be just as common and generic as Gastly?

The one thing all cultures in the world agree about since ancient times about the mysteriously widespread concept of dragons is that they breathe fire!
And so far, all we got is Reshiram, a legendary who is just doing his job at employing an element.
Most of you might think "Charizard!", but he is a Fire starter before anything else. I'm talking about a proper typical Dragon noteworthy for its fiery breath.

"wait wasn't this about combos?", Yeah. Gamefreak has been handling the Flying type like a second-class type. Merely added when wings demand it. But recently (with Tornadus and Noivern-line), they started to show that it is capable of standing on its own! If that's the case, its about time to add a plain "starter-esque" pure Flying line, just so there is an actual example to point at (instead of a bunch of Normal/Flying birds), when someone asks what Flying is about!
The past few generations have added more and more Normal Type combos, like Normal/Fighting and Normal/Grass. But this gen there are actually secondary Normal types.
I think the rules that were applied in earlier generations, like back in Gen 3, no longer apply, as there are a lot of types which were probably previously not allowed and even with Fairy type, there's still a Pokémon line with no weaknesses.
Blob55 said:
The past few generations have added more and more Normal Type combos, like Normal/Fighting and Normal/Grass. But this gen there are actually secondary Normal types.
I think the rules that were applied in earlier generations, like back in Gen 3, no longer apply, as there are a lot of types which were probably previously not allowed and even with Fairy type, there's still a Pokémon line with no weaknesses.

I don't think they were following some "rules" that they now broke, because there is an example of that happening pretty much every generation.

If they weren't being consistent, they would change old pokemons types so they would fit the "new rules", but all they changed was Normal to Fairy in some cases, which isn't that surprising.

You could argue the same for Bug never being secondary until gen 3, when Armaldo showed up. Or that Normal would never get other secondary types than Flying before Girafarig. Or before gen 3 saying that starters would never get exotic combinations like /Fighting instead of just having Flying added when having wings or Poison on the Grass one if fitting. Or saying that Flying would be never be used as a primary type before Tornadus...

Just because something hasn't happened before, doesn't mean it wasn't allowed then...it simply hadn't been done yet.
I'd like to see an Ice/Fairy; I imagine it would be the love child of Diancie & Froslass.

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Heres a picture I made showing what type combinations are already used:


Fully visible: no existing pokemon of this combination at all
Quite visible: certain pokemon gain them temporary through formes, or pokemon that are of this combo have their type changed upon evolution
Half visible: there are pokemon with the reverse combination, but none that are exactly this one
Almost invisible: one or more pokemon of this type already exist
@Mitja; It's not worth much I admit, but there is one water/bug Pokemon in existence. Surskit. Granted it loses that upon evolution to Masquerain but that combo does exist.
Also, Fire/Water does exist, but as a Volcano thing. Same goes for Psychic/Ghost, as an odd Gypsy/trickster of some kind.
Pikachu6319 said:
@Mitja; It's not worth much I admit, but there is one water/bug Pokemon in existence. Surskit. Granted it loses that upon evolution to Masquerain but that combo does exist.

You're looking at the wrong combination. Even if Masquerain remained that combo, Water/Bug would be only half visible because that's the reverse type. Look at the Bug column for Surskits type.

Surskit is the reason Bug/Water is only half visible. It should be barely visible (and the reverse one Water/Bug half visible because of it), but because it is not a fully evolved pokemon, I made it only half visible (hence why Water/Bug is fully visible).

I did a similar thing with formes that have unique combinations (Rotoms, Megas), where they are merely half visible instead of barely.

But besides those cases, the only type combinations I did not take into consideration are the yet-to-be-revealed event Pokemon.
What do you guys think about starters? I was thinking about it, and I'd love a generation's fully evolved starters to be Grass/Rock, Fire, and Water/Flying (but then again, that might be imbalanced).
I'm hypothesizing that the next gen of starters has a Fairy. The only reason we got the "double trump" this time was because of the Kanto starters later in the game. Without that, my theory on what the starters look like next game:

Fire-Fairy (the only one we don't have yet)

Also, they'll probably fill out the suite of Fairy-types. This includes Fairy-Dark, Fairy-Poison, Fairy-Fighting, Fairy-Psychic, Fairy-Ghost, Fairy-Ice and more. It's possible that they'll make abilities in the future that serve no other purpose than to add a type to Pokemon

Gotta agree with wanting an Ice-Fire, and where's my Firefly for an Electric-Bug?
(EDIT: That's how forgettable Joltik and Galvantula are, people. Oops)
Blob55 said:
Or maybe a Poison/Electric type could be a Snake with a Signature move called Toxic Shock, which is a Poison type move that Paralyzes the opponent.

I like that, and I really love snakes.

Mitja said:
Heres a picture I made showing what type combinations are already used:


Fully visible: no existing pokemon of this combination at all
Quite visible: certain pokemon gain them temporary through formes, or pokemon that are of this combo have their type changed upon evolution
Half visible: there are pokemon with the reverse combination, but none that are exactly this one
Almost invisible: one or more pokemon of this type already exist

I thought Volcanion was Water and Fire.
-Ghost/Fighting: A samurai spirit
-Bug/Fairy: Some sort of combination of a Western fairy (i.e. something like Tinkerbell) and a butterfly.
-Poison/Psychic: A rattlesnake that uses its tail to hypnotize enemies
-Poison/Rock: Basically a radioactive Geodude/Roggenrola thing

Also, I think there's quite a few combinations that could be covered by Mega evolutions, like:

-Grass/Dragon: Mega Serperior
-Fire/Fairy: Mega Rapidash maybe?
-Electric/Fighting: Mega Electivire
-Electric/Dark: Mega Luxray
-Ghost/Fairy: Mega Mismagius
-Bug/Dragon: Mega Yanmega
Guts, you are a genius!

I'm still waiting on a bunch of creatures to be made into Pokemon that STILL haven't been done!

Such as a... Koala, Dolphin, Platypus, Gila Monster, Capybara, Llamas, Peafowl, Smilodon, Axolotl, Aye-Aye, Blobfish, Dumbo Octopus, Echidna, Naked Mole Rat, Purple Frog, Proboscis Monkey, Shoebill, Tarsier, Wolffish, and... The list goes on...

Not sure about the typings for all of these guys, though...