Ideas of good simple decks


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get a link to a good Seviper decklist. Do you guys think Seviper is a good deck? I also want a decklist on Lostgar. How do you think the next rotation will affect Lostgar? Tell me forum.
Lostgar will be affected because of the loss of BTS, which will slow down the deck considerably. Palkia G LVX will also be rotated and that will also slow down the deck.
yes but running 4 rare candy fixes the BTS problem. serviper isnt that good....
My thoughts for Seviper were to combine him with Toxicroak G. I'm working on a list. I think he has potential as a partner for Toxicroak, since he still can hit SP's for considerable damage whereas Toxicroak can't.

Lostgar will actually become way better after rotation, imo. EVERY deck is going to take a hit in speed. Lostgar can still function through Mew though. It can start lost zoning people as soon as Turn 2, and hardly any deck will be able to donk because of Rare Candy's new rules, and the most likely exclusion of BTS.