If You Had $700 What Would You Get/Do

RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

I would buy myself Pokemon: Shadows of Almia and a LA booster box. Could go a little over, but
I'd pay the difference. :p That would be awesome! :)
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

$150? isn't a lot at all, I get paid about $1600 a month and I barely make it through.

1. buy g potatos
2. buy a box of Galactic's conquest.
3. Bank the change lol.
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

I would get 15,000 pennies. Bury them. And then in 60 years dig them up and sell them.

My plan is so perfect.
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

Probably start lining my coffin. Seriously, that isn't a lot of moo-lah.

dmaster out.
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

Uhhh, put it in my savings? Try 150 thousand and then I would still put it all in savings (maybe buy 1 box of GC XD)
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

I would buy some video games and then save the rest.
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

$150, well thats not exactly much, I have $300 saved up not for college or anything but for personal use, so $150 is really realistic. However I guess if some gave me that money and said I had to spend it, I would probobly buy a new tv for room, nothing big just one of those 13' flat screens.
RE: If You Had $150 What Would You Get/Do

I'd save up more.

Dude you didn't change your thread title.
With 700, I'd buy the DSi, two Diamond and Pearl
booster boxes, and Pokemon platnium! Now that's more like it! ;)

I should deposit some into the bank though...it would be easier if
I had the money, lol. :p
I know, for every who posts on this thread, RiseDarkraiRise can give
us each 700 dollars. Just kidding. :D
Wow. I'd get:

-iPod Touch/iPhone 3G.
-$100 worth of iTunes.
-Case for iPod/iPhone.
-Wireless Router.
-Blue headphones. :p
-Save the rest.
-I'd also put 10% to Mission trips or my church.
Right. If I convert $700 US dollars into my currency...

I think I'll buy an Xbox 360 and some games :>

What is the point of this thread, really? :S