If you had a choice, where would you live?

Would you emigrate from where you live now?

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Loving Wifi in my life...
I would emigrate myself to New York because of Times Square and the fast life there. Ah the beautiful skyline...
Second of all would be Australia. When I was little I wanted to live in Los Angles but I'm going with New York.
I used to live in New York (a short drive from Niagara Falls), and I have to say that the weather was pretty much perfect for me... I can't stand the weather here in Florida - so much heat... I'm far better suited for the cold.

So, I guess, I'd want to live either in New York (not any heavily industrialized areas, though) or somewhere with a constant cool to cold temperature... Somewhere with nice foliage, or something...
Xous said:
I used to live in New York (a short drive from Niagara Falls), and I have to say that the weather was pretty much perfect for me... I can't stand the weather here in Florida - so much heat... I'm far better suited for the cold.

So, I guess, I'd want to live either in New York (not any heavily industrialized areas, though) or somewhere with a constant cool to cold temperature... Somewhere with nice foliage, or something...

Want somewhere cold and rainy, you'd love it here in UK.
Hmmmm, tough one for me. I live in a small town but I'm much better suited to a city person so any place with big buildings XD
Right now i live in Washington State.Lol I really want to move because it rians and snows here to much, and its always COLD! I Would move to Sandy Ego, California were it is Sunny and Hot!
I have said it once and I will say it a million times!!!

I am from Bangladesh ( I doubt anyone has heard of it ). Its a pretty small and highly populated country, making it also one of the poorest country in the world. I dont think anyone from foreign rich countries can stand seeing the worst-est condition of the city's streets, bulidings and of course the people themselves....
( I can go all night writing about it, but I am not gonna bore anyone) :p

Ok, I would move to a better and less populated country. I dunno, maybe Australia or maybe America even. A small city with just the perfect balance of people. Oh the place has to be calm and problem-free too! :D
i think i live at the perfect spot right now, but i would really love to move to amsterdam (netherlands) for my study in a few years, as i live in utrecht (netherlands) now.
the reason i wouldn't change country: i speak dutch like the best, just like english (just speak, spelling isn't my thing on english) but i suck at other languages.
Xous said:
I used to live in New York (a short drive from Niagara Falls), and I have to say that the weather was pretty much perfect for me... I can't stand the weather here in Florida - so much heat... I'm far better suited for the cold.

So, I guess, I'd want to live either in New York (not any heavily industrialized areas, though) or somewhere with a constant cool to cold temperature... Somewhere with nice foliage, or something...

Ugh, same way here. I hate how hot and humid it gets here in the summer. If I could, I would move to someplace with a more temperate climate - perhaps San Francisco, California.
New york, Japan, Colorado, or maybe Las Vegas. I like dry. Dry heat, or Dry cold. I can't stand humidity, especially being claustrophopbic.
Ug, anywhere but here. California is high on my list.

dmaster out.