IFDS packs

out of 5 packs u most likly will get a shiny/ secret/ or a lv x ... i go to the store and always buy 5 packs and everytime i get one of those... chances are good in that set 20 packs a box, 4 rare cards per box ( my exp. thers been about 4 rare per box)
well, even in 2 packs i bought, i got shiny voltorb. should get a shiny/secret/lv.x in 5 packs

You guys are getting him way over-hyped.

Okay, if you buy a box, you will probably get a lvl X/Shiny Pokemon/Retro card.

If you buy half a box, the odds are okay.

If you buy 5 packs, don't hold your breath. Now I know Japanese packs apparently have more lvl Xs and such, but still, 5 packs reall isn't all that many.
yeah. but 1/4 of a box that comes with 3-5 secret rares/lv.x/shining is a good chance of getting a hard to find card
Well, if you want to be dissapointed, go on. But jst remember - I never said you won't get anything good.

It's all down to luck. Last week, I bought 1 pack of LA and got a Uxie Lvl X. I've got 6 EX's and a star from half a box of Power Keepers.

I've also gotten a box-worth of boosters from various prizes and gotten no ex's, no stars and no stand-outs. I have a whole heap of SW cards, but have never pulled a single Bebe's. When I went to build a Rhyperior lvl X deck recently, I realized I only had 1 Rhyhorn!

Chance is a very weird thing and I suggest you don't go hoping too much.
yes but a booster box of japenese has 20 packs with 4 ultra rare ex shiny secret rare cards so thats why i bought 5 because 20 divivded by 4 is 5!
Okay. Look at it like it like this.
Just because the odds are 1/5 doesn't mean that you're going to always get one. See, you'd always get your lvl X out of 5 packs if the boxes were divided like this.
(Y=Something of value N=Nothing)


See? Every 5 boosters has one of the lvl Xs. If every buys 5 packs from this box, everyone gets a lvl X. But this doesn't always happen. The box could be divided like this:


Fresh box, they pick you 5 from the top. As you can see, the top row + 1 from the next row leaves you with no Lvl X.

However, they might then go get 5 boosters for the next person. That guy just got 2 Lvl Xs! He had the same chance as you, but he was luckier.

Or of course, the box might only have 3 in it, greatly decreasing the odds.

Once again, chance is avery weird thing!