Traveling Storyteller and Card Faker
Pokemon: 18
Vileplume is one of my favorite decks because of how versatile and fun it can be once fully set up. However, with the recent addition of Flashfire, Vileplume has lost pretty much all relevance and playability due to 2 cards: Pyroar and the now-even-more-popular-than-ever-because-he's-working-with-Yveltal Garbodor! So I needed to add some strong evolution line to make it more playable, but that required too much extra space, so I thought: Hey, why not use Eevee and all of it's evolutions?
What does Vileplume do? Well he can QUADRUPLE all Weaknesses, so this deck is very fun because it gives us freedom to use lots of different types. We have Vileplume itself, and we also have the Eeveelutions! Now, there aren't any Metal or Fighting Eeveelutions and we don't really need Sylveon, so Cobalion and Landorus are our only EX's, but I doubt you would ever need to bring them up to fight a Pyroar in the first place because of Weakness.
What do you think? Leave your opinions!
2-1-2 Vileplume (Allergy Panic)
4 Eevee (Prefrably Signs of Evolution)
1 Glaceon (Rising Fist, but Vaporeon from Dark Explorers also works.)
1 Flareon (Vengeance)
1 Jolteon (Dark Explorers)
1 Leafeon (Energy Crush)
1 Espeon (Plasma Freeze)
1 Umbreon (Shadow Drain)
1 Druddigon (Revenge)
1 Cobalion-EX
1 Landorus-EX
4 N
3 Colress
2 Professer Juniper or Sycamore
3 Skyla
1 Lysandre
2 Surprising Megaphone
2 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Muscle Band
2 Rare Candy
2 Super Rod
1 Town Map
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Switch
2 Tropical Beach
4 Double Colorless
4 Rainbow
1 WLFM Energy
Vileplume is one of my favorite decks because of how versatile and fun it can be once fully set up. However, with the recent addition of Flashfire, Vileplume has lost pretty much all relevance and playability due to 2 cards: Pyroar and the now-even-more-popular-than-ever-because-he's-working-with-Yveltal Garbodor! So I needed to add some strong evolution line to make it more playable, but that required too much extra space, so I thought: Hey, why not use Eevee and all of it's evolutions?
What does Vileplume do? Well he can QUADRUPLE all Weaknesses, so this deck is very fun because it gives us freedom to use lots of different types. We have Vileplume itself, and we also have the Eeveelutions! Now, there aren't any Metal or Fighting Eeveelutions and we don't really need Sylveon, so Cobalion and Landorus are our only EX's, but I doubt you would ever need to bring them up to fight a Pyroar in the first place because of Weakness.
What do you think? Leave your opinions!