I'm clueless on what to use at states!!!

Which deck should I run at states

  • Luxchomp

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Luxchomp w/ Dialga G

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Dialgachomp

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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O hai der
I have no idea what to use. Can any one tell me what the best metagame decks are. Im pretty sure I can use a few of them.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

One of the biggest threats at the moment is Cursegar. It revolves around the usage of Gengar (Platinum: Arceus). They start with Spiritomb and slowly set up. When they're ready, they bring in Cursegar and use "Shadow Skip" to hit and run while spreading your bench and hitting your active. They can also use "Compound Pain" to draw prizes like mad with your spreaded targets. With "Curse", they essentially have access to a Pluspower every turn! Whatever you play, if it can't deal with Cursegar, you won't stand a chance. What makes Cursegar such a beast is that it literally has no bad matchups. It can deal with almost anything, and counters to it are few. That's not to say there isn't a counter for it, but people have yet to find a consistent one.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

I think Garde/Gallade is going to be a good match against it, if only for power lock. Who knows though. It has the potential to stop it I think.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

pvtGramps said:
I think Garde/Gallade is going to be a good match against it, if only for power lock. Who knows though. It has the potential to stop it I think.

On the contrary, Gardy/Gallade falls to Cursegar. Spiritomb locks them, making them incapable of achieving a T2 Plox. Once you get set up, you can do 110 each turn, 120 counting the free Pluspower. You basically just grab KOs left and right, and there is nothing they can do about it. They can still knock out your techs, but other than that it is an easy matchup.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Unable to achieve a T2 Plox? Broken Time Space and Kirlia might want a word about that.
Free Pluspower? When Psychic Lock is in effect? Something isn't adding up here.
'Course, GG still has problems getting set up. Not saying the matchup is easy, far from it.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Id run Gyarados, Luxchomp or Cursegar they seem to be the best at the moment
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

I think the Top 5 decks are
LuxChomp w/DGX tech
Flygon variants

Also HGSS decks to afraid of are-
Charizard variants as of Ninetales.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Jumpluff is pretty nasty. I built one off random memory and not 100% great stuff and it's pretty nasty.

PokeChamp: Yeah, that is true. Weakness also plays into it, but most of the G/G's I've seen since GS's release have included Spiritomb as counter and tech specifically for that matchup. You're right, the t2 plox isn't as likely, but they can get set up eventually which gives them a little more survivability than most decks.

I'm trying to work out a counter for Cursegar myself for my Burmy deck. I think Spiritomb may be the only option I've got in that.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Flygon may win but im unsure it will be nearly as succesful as the other 3 decks i mentioned
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Lou Cypher said:
Unable to achieve a T2 Plox? Broken Time Space and Kirlia might want a word about that.
Free Pluspower? When Psychic Lock is in effect? Something isn't adding up here.
'Course, GG still has problems getting set up. Not saying the matchup is easy, far from it.

"Unable" may have not been the right word. It is possible, but highly unlikely. First off, Broken Time-Space isn't the most common in most Plox variants. Not saying it isn't played, but most prefer to vouch for Moonlight Stadium instead, for the free retreat (if you didn't notice, Gardy doesn't exactly have the lightest retreat cost). Even without the free Pluspower, Lou, we're talking 110 damage. Unless you're leveled up or are using Expert Belt (which is still a two-hit KO, anyway), that's a one-hit KO on your Gardevoir.

Is it possible to get a T2 Plox against Cursegar? Yes, with the right techs. Is it going to matter much when Cursegar actually gets set up? No, not really.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Can someone PM me some details (or post) about Cursegar? Sorry, I just don't have much experience with it.

For what deck to play, Garchomp C SP variants are doing quite well (Dialgachomp/Luxchomp). Same with Dialga G variants. I've seen some Blazeray as well. Also consider running Gyarados, as it is even faster with the boost from Pokemon Collector.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

PokeChamp said:
One of the biggest threats at the moment is Cursegar. It revolves around the usage of Gengar (Platinum: Arceus). They start with Spiritomb and slowly set up. When they're ready, they bring in Cursegar and use "Shadow Skip" to hit and run while spreading your bench and hitting your active. They can also use "Compound Pain" to draw prizes like mad with your spreaded targets. With "Curse", they essentially have access to a Pluspower every turn! Whatever you play, if it can't deal with Cursegar, you won't stand a chance. What makes Cursegar such a beast is that it literally has no bad matchups. It can deal with almost anything, and counters to it are few. That's not to say there isn't a counter for it, but people have yet to find a consistent one.

That whole spread idea you speak of, that one card-uh-Nidoqueen deals with that easily. People run 1-1-1 Nidoqueen for a reason, and thats to deal w/ the whole Spiritomb thing, whether it be on one side or the other. And here is a way to win against Cursegar:

Lock Spiritomb active. I would think Flygon variants have a good match up against it. If you cant play trainers, fine, so be it, Flygon will just beat the snot out of those weak Spiritombs. You cant keep recovering them forever, and the moment you do, Flygon slaps down memory berry and starts to lock. And Spiritomb under a memory berry lock is autoloss. There is no way out of it. Cursegar(Crapgar) is ok, but it can be defeated. I have done it before, and come states, I will do it again. :p. But do be prepared for it, it can be a problem.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

Seth1789110 said:
That whole spread idea you speak of, that one card-uh-Nidoqueen deals with that easily. People run 1-1-1 Nidoqueen for a reason, and thats to deal w/ the whole Spiritomb thing, whether it be on one side or the other. And here is a way to win against Cursegar:

Lock Spiritomb active. I would think Flygon variants have a good match up against it. If you cant play trainers, fine, so be it, Flygon will just beat the snot out of those weak Spiritombs. You cant keep recovering them forever, and the moment you do, Flygon slaps down memory berry and starts to lock. And Spiritomb under a memory berry lock is autoloss. There is no way out of it. Cursegar(Crapgar) is ok, but it can be defeated. I have done it before, and come states, I will do it again. :p. But do be prepared for it, it can be a problem.

Shutting off the spread is an annoyance. It does not shut off the deck. The main point of Cursegar is to hit and run. Anything else it can do is basically just an added extra.

As for locking Spiritomb, you do realize it can kill itself, right? It will take six turns to do so, but when the lock is broken, I can come back harder.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

However, you may have either Donphan or Machamp (depends on the type of Flygon) coming up to help on the Bench, and you've gotten rid of a lot of their deck cards, just pull of the Claydol and stall. That is how you win.
RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

PokeChamp said:
Shutting off the spread is an annoyance. It does not shut off the deck. The main point of Cursegar is to hit and run. Anything else it can do is basically just an added extra.

As for locking Spiritomb, you do realize it can kill itself, right? It will take six turns to do so, but when the lock is broken, I can come back harder.
I do not think that tomb can kill himself you would have to have something on the bench to evolve to

I also think that you forgot that the gar from PA cannot use DCE there for it takes 3 turns to set up. Also for the gardy matchup if it get T 2 lock then I can just Ko every tomb you send up for some nice prizes.

How can it hit for 110 a turn?

I also think that I know that you might use cursegar in states

RE: I'm clueless on what to use at states!

You also would have to have something on your bench to target with the spirit tomb. So if you fill up with uxie and spirit tombs maybe a claydol and azelf then you auto lose there to. Curse gar is good but its been in the main steam to long and is truely only a tier 2 deck. I cant think of any Tier one decks using spirit tomb or stall for that matter, Any deck that is going to win cali or washington states will take the fight to you from the beginning with out delay. As soon as you get the prize card advantage a good control deck wins becuase they continue to kill off your techs instead of the garydos or donphan ect... If your stalling, your losing...

Muddy68 said:
However, you may have either Donphan or Machamp (depends on the type of Flygon) coming up to help on the Bench, and you've gotten rid of a lot of their deck cards, just pull of the Claydol and stall. That is how you win.

after weakness its 110 = X

Tristan said:
I do not think that tomb can kill himself you would have to have something on the bench to evolve to

I also think that you forgot that the gar from PA cannot use DCE there for it takes 3 turns to set up. Also for the gardy matchup if it get T 2 lock then I can just Ko every tomb you send up for some nice prizes.

How can it hit for 110 a turn?

I also think that I know that you might use cursegar in states

thnx everybody :). Now i know what to run at states which is this saturday. I'll either run Luxchomp, Luxchomp w/ Dialga G, or Dialgachomp. Can anyone help me decide those?

Edit: Poll posted!
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