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I'm gonna be Hokage (Greninja / Dusknoir)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (15)
  • 4 Greninja
  • 1 Frogadier
  • 4 Froakie
  • 2 Dusknoir
  • 2 Duskull
  • 2 Keldeo EX

Trainers (33)
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 N
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Super Rod
  • 3 Max Potion
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 1 Frozen City
  • 1 Tool Scrapper

Energy (12)
  • 12 Water

Going first is a must starting with Keldo and getting as many greninjas setup as possible (3 should be fine), as well as dusknoir. Once up and running you should be spreading 90 damage a turn with water shuriken and moving it around as needed with dusknoir. Keldeo is simply there to act as a damage sponge using max potion when nessessary and never attacking unless its the only option. Even Though tropical beach would be perfect for this deck being that i dont plan on attacking much. Due to cost and the possibility of it being banned i have left it out of this build.
RE: I'm gonna be Hokage

I think this is a good deck.

You have no Team Plasma Pokémon, so Frozen City is suicide, even though you would be helping the opponent if he/she has any TP Pokémon in play.

-1 Ultra Ball, you have to discard usable cards.
-1 Frozen City
-2 Junipers, I don't think you will discard an energy, you have a 1 in 5 probability to get an energy.

That leaves us with 4 gaps
+2 Cilan (maximize # of energies)
+2 Prof. Letter (maximize # of energies)

--I have another suggestion.--
(That would change the name of the deck)

-2 Dusknoir
-2 Duskull
-1 Ultra Ball
-2 Junipers
-1 Frozen City
-1 Float Stone
-1 Keldeo EX, you have many potions, so you only need one float stone for 1 keldeo.
-1 Greninja
-1 Froakie, with 3 you are ok.

--12 gaps--

+2 Frogaider
+4-0-4 Squirtle (any set), Blastoise with Deluge.
+2 Water Energy, the more the better.

I did this, so that you can use the rare candies with Squirtle, I know this is going to make the deck slower.
RE: I'm gonna be Hokage

I have frozen city because I never plan on attaching unless I really need to. when I do decide to attach energy my opponent would probably have long gotten rid of Frozen city. Basically this deck is very similar to the old chandelure/vileplume deck that was played a few seasons ago.
RE: I'm gonna be Hokage

sKizor said:
I have frozen city because I never plan on attaching unless I really need to. when I do decide to attach energy my opponent would probably have long gotten rid of Frozen city. Basically this deck is very similar to the old chandelure/vileplume deck that was played a few seasons ago.

I forgot that, and actually TP decks are not so used like before. So, stay with frozen, even better if it gets to your hand after the first turn, so in that case you won't need Blastoise, afterwards my first option is okay, just do not take out frozen city and try to add a Superior Energy Retrieval.
RE: I'm gonna be Hokage

Why do you need Dusknoir when you can place the damage wherever you want. I don't think it's worth the space. In stead of tanking with Keldeo, you could try walling with Latias or Sigilyph. Not too many people worry about Sigilyph any more, and a single Latias swings any Darkrai matchup greatly in your favor. Just a thought.