Wi-Fi Trades Im new here but please check out my trading thread!

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Aspiring Trainer
Well I'm new here and I hope to make some great trades and battles here on pokebeach, I dont got much right now but should be updated soon I just started a new game on my Platinum.

Note: If any of my pokemon that I trade are hacked please let me know so I can release them and I will give you a refund for the hacked pokemon.

- Please be respectful
- No hacked pokemon
- I use a Action Replay to clone pokemon so if you dont like clones then dont trade with me

My Information:
Friend code: Platinum 4512-0239-5410
Msn: [email protected]

My Wants:
- UT modest or timid moltres
- 10 Aniv events
- UU/NU ev trained pokemon
- Good iv dittos (jolly, adamant, modest, timid, bold, impish)
- UT shinies
- UT Iv bred pokemon
- Any other offers :) I'm open minded

My Haves:

-TRU arceus brave
- Hayleys Mew modest
- NZ Jirachi Modest
- HG SS Mew Calm
- PCP (Pikachu Colored Pichu) Jolly
- 8th Movie Regigigas Jolly
- JHBF Manaphy Lonely
- WCS Milotic Timid
- WISHMAKR Jirachi Bold
- SPACE C Deoxys Impish
- Concert Chatot Jolly
- JEREMY Ekans Docile
- 10 Aniv Entei Naughty
- 10 Aniv Latias jolly
- 10 Aniv latios Gentle
- 10 Aniv Celebi Lax
- 10 Aniv Bulbasaur

EV trained Pokemon:

Electivire Japanese Adamant 278/379/156/199/175/289 Thunder punch, ice punch, Cross chop, Earthquake

Rhyperior Japanese Impish 424/308/394/106/142/93 Avalanche, Stone Edge, Earthquake, stealth Rock

Swampert Japanese Brave 404/350/216/206/215/119 Mirror Coat, Waterfall, Ice punch, Earthquake

Slowbro Bold 394/162/348/210/193/92 Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder Wave, Slack Off

Togekiss Modest 372/99/226/372/260/197 Psychic, Aura Sphere, Thunder Wave, Air Slash

Dusknoir Careful 291/217/341/135/358/107 Ice punch, Will O Wisp, Shadow Sneak, Pain Split

Lucario Adamant 275/349/169/227/173/279 Ice Punch, Swords Dance, ExtremeSpeed, Close Combat

Dragonite Jolly 323/367/221/199/233/283 Thunder Punch, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake

All UT

Adamant Riolu w/ Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch
Impish Steelix
Jolly Sneasal
Bashful Phione
Timid Eevee
Adamant Snover
Impish Mudkip Cured PKRS Mirror Coat and Counter
Naive Chatot
Sassy Bronzor
Modest Rotom
Timid Cyndaquil
Modest Piplup
Modest Vulpix w/ Hypnosis and Energy Ball
Naive Bagon w/ Dragon Dance
Adamant Torchic
Impish Shuckle
Rash Ho-oh
Modest Ralts
Adamant Mightyena with PKRS
Modest Mareep

UT timid Latios
UT careful Regirock
UT modest Rotom
UT impish Mudkip
UT Distant land Modest Moltres
UT adamant Elekid (nicknameable) Ice punch and Cross Chop
UT adamant Beldum (nicknameable)
UT serious Regice
UT Gentle Zapdos (nicknameable)
Wow, nice thread! :]
CML (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56846) for the following please:
-TRU arceus brave
- NZ Jirachi Modest
- HG SS Mew Modest

Impish Steelix
Adamant Snover
Modest Rotom
Modest Vulpix w/ Hypnosis and Energy Ball
Rash Ho-oh
Modest Mareep

Electivire Japanese Adamant 278/379/156/199/175/289 Thunder punch, ice punch, Cross chop, Earthquake
Rhyperior Japanese Impish 424/308/394/106/142/93 Avalanche, Stone Edge, Earthquake, stealth Rock
Swampert Japanese Brave 404/350/216/206/215/119 Mirror Coat, Waterfall, Ice punch, Earthquake

ShineVini said:
Wow, nice thread! :]
CML (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56846) for the following please:
-TRU arceus brave
- NZ Jirachi Modest
- HG SS Mew Modest

Impish Steelix
Adamant Snover
Modest Rotom
Modest Vulpix w/ Hypnosis and Energy Ball
Rash Ho-oh
Modest Mareep

Electivire Japanese Adamant 278/379/156/199/175/289 Thunder punch, ice punch, Cross chop, Earthquake
Rhyperior Japanese Impish 424/308/394/106/142/93 Avalanche, Stone Edge, Earthquake, stealth Rock
Swampert Japanese Brave 404/350/216/206/215/119 Mirror Coat, Waterfall, Ice punch, Earthquake


Thanks! :D I'm Intrested in your
Concert Chatot
Wishmakr Jirachi
Space C deoxys
10 Aniv Bulbasaur celebi latios latias moltres entei

ShineVini said:
Wow, nice thread! :]
CML (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56846) for the following please:
-TRU arceus brave
- NZ Jirachi Modest
- HG SS Mew Modest

Impish Steelix
Adamant Snover
Modest Rotom
Modest Vulpix w/ Hypnosis and Energy Ball
Rash Ho-oh
Modest Mareep

Electivire Japanese Adamant 278/379/156/199/175/289 Thunder punch, ice punch, Cross chop, Earthquake
Rhyperior Japanese Impish 424/308/394/106/142/93 Avalanche, Stone Edge, Earthquake, stealth Rock
Swampert Japanese Brave 404/350/216/206/215/119 Mirror Coat, Waterfall, Ice punch, Earthquake


Also can you possibly get me a male bold Spiritomb with Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Shadow Sneak and Pain Split , male modest roselia with leaf storm and sleep powder?
Metalex said:
Thanks! :D I'm Intrested in your
Concert Chatot
Wishmakr Jirachi
Space C deoxys
10 Aniv Bulbasaur celebi latios latias moltres entei

ShineVini said:
Wow, nice thread! :]
CML (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56846) for the following please:
-TRU arceus brave
- NZ Jirachi Modest
- HG SS Mew Modest

Impish Steelix
Adamant Snover
Modest Rotom
Modest Vulpix w/ Hypnosis and Energy Ball
Rash Ho-oh
Modest Mareep

Electivire Japanese Adamant 278/379/156/199/175/289 Thunder punch, ice punch, Cross chop, Earthquake
Rhyperior Japanese Impish 424/308/394/106/142/93 Avalanche, Stone Edge, Earthquake, stealth Rock
Swampert Japanese Brave 404/350/216/206/215/119 Mirror Coat, Waterfall, Ice punch, Earthquake


Also can you possibly get me a male bold Spiritomb with Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Shadow Sneak and Pain Split , male modest roselia with leaf storm and sleep powder?

Sure, but can you choose 1 more so that we can trade the 12 I wanted? Also, could you attach Shards/Heart Scales to two of them for the bred pokes? Thanks :]
ShineVini said:
Also can you possibly get me a male bold Spiritomb with Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Shadow Sneak and Pain Split , male modest roselia with leaf storm and sleep powder?

Sure, but can you choose 1 more so that we can trade the 12 I wanted? Also, could you attach Shards/Heart Scales to two of them for the bred pokes? Thanks :]

sure I will take the JEREMY ekans and i can add some shards for you :D
Metalex said:
Sure, but can you choose 1 more so that we can trade the 12 I wanted? Also, could you attach Shards/Heart Scales to two of them for the bred pokes? Thanks :]

sure I will take the JEREMY ekans and i can add some shards for you :D

Thanks a lot :D
I've got the events ready, but the breeds will take some time. I'll start on the breeds right now ^^
ShineVini said:
sure I will take the JEREMY ekans and i can add some shards for you :D

Thanks a lot :D
I've got the events ready, but the breeds will take some time. I'll start on the breeds right now ^^

Sure its 4:42am right now but I will try to wait up for the breeds to be done and any specific shards you want? yellow blue red?
Metalex said:
Thanks a lot :D
I've got the events ready, but the breeds will take some time. I'll start on the breeds right now ^^

Sure its 4:42am right now but I will try to wait up for the breeds to be done and any specific shards you want? yellow blue red?

Any color will do =]
ShineVini said:
Sure its 4:42am right now but I will try to wait up for the breeds to be done and any specific shards you want? yellow blue red?

Any color will do =]

Ok let me know when your ready and what FC do I use?
ShineVini said:
Ok let me know when your ready and what FC do I use?

Use the Pearl one on my signature please :]

The HG SS mew isnt Modest I made a mistake my apologies its calm nature are you still intrested in it?
Metalex said:
Use the Pearl one on my signature please :]

The HG SS mew isnt Modest I made a mistake my apologies its calm nature are you still intrested in it?

Sure no problem
ShineVini said:
The HG SS mew isnt Modest I made a mistake my apologies its calm nature are you still intrested in it?

Sure no problem

Sounds good and I got all the pokemon ready now so when your done the breeding just let me know :)
ShineVini said:
Thanks, I will :]

Hey, in about 10 minutes im going to head off for the night so maybe we can finish our trade later? if you dont finish in time?
Metalex said:
Hey, in about 10 minutes im going to head off for the night so maybe we can finish our trade later? if you don't finish in time?
Yea, I dont think ill finish in 10 minutes. No problem at all; just send me a PM when we're both online and we finish this :]
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