I'm still a Super Luck Honchkrow- Worlds Invite LCQ report


I was really excited to go to the event (obviously) but my biggest worry was that i would get eliminated in round 1 (shudders). So I put a lot of work into the design of the now successful rogue Magnezone/Pachirisu. I will, of course be playing the deck tomorrow. Anyway, I got there at 8 AM. I went around and did some open play. I had promised Decmaster I'd do a trade(Yanmega for Magnezone) but i got impatient and did it with someone else. (sorry Decmaster.) I got in registration line at 8:30 AM and waited around. I talked to some people from LA, even though i was wearing a giants hat (that's a joke by the way.) I get registered, meet up with Meaty and Decmaster, and find out that Juniors and Seniors don't start until 1:30.

(SKIP TO 1:30)

Pairings are up!

Round 1 vs BYE
I donk him twice with my mind!

Round 2 vs ________ Kang from BC with Reshiboar
Game 1
I start tepig, she starts magnemite, i'm thinking of pachi donking, but the hp is too high. I drop a pachirisu with two energy, attach to magnemite, and pass. she collectors for tepig, reshiram and shuckle...
rest is blurred, but i do win. i can't remember second game, but i win this also.

Round 3 vs Curtis Swick with Magneboar
game 1
the only eventful thing happening here is me accidentally drawing too many cards with PONT... a french judge takes 1 card at random from the hand and shuffles it into the deck. anyway, i am the first to strike and win easily.
game 2.
he starts a tyrogue, which i somehow can't ko... i give him time to get an emboar heat crash, and all i have is a zekrom. i get this up to outrage energy before he kos me, and i scoop on the spot.
game 3
again can't remember, but i win. my memory is kind of bad when i play, i am very fast when i play.

Round 4 vs Nicoli with Reshiboar Ninetales.
both games he gets a lone basic start then junk. magnezone has fast setup.
so i go 4-0

Round 5?
I sit down with a guy from Alberta, and i am stressed.
the junior head judge says someone should give us a pep talk. the guy who gives the pep talk says that we are ALL IN!!

i can't believe i did it...

getting in of course
having fun.
getting in with JASON and RAYVN
zekrom tech

making the mistake of not trading with decmaster
having to go to a VERY LOUD opening ceremony tomorrow.
Congrats. How'd you do in the many tourny?

(btw I came up with Magnezone/Pachirisu in March :p).
i did in April. darn you beat me. i got 33rd (one spot away from packs and one win away from top cut.)
if your senior your last game was against Aaron R from Alberta and he won, if you where junior your last game was against Josh L from Alberta and you won.
yes, my last game was against Aaron Rozbicki. i was also scheduled to play him in the round 5 that never happened.
blargh257 said:
yes, my last game was against Aaron Rozbicki. i was also scheduled to play him in the round 5 that never happened.
that is odd because its recorded as that he won and you lost. he landed 24th. look on pokemon.com
You were lucky you grinded in, but 33rd is just.... a big slap in the face. D: Oh well, now me, Decmaster and Flying_Swampert can probably let go of our grudges. :p