Important Notices - Please Read



Credit given, where credit due
If you use somebody's artwork, ensure a number of things:

  1. You have their permission to use it.
    This is something a lot of people ignore but I personally feel it is very important, because someone may not want their work reproduced, or may be saving it for a project of their own. If they don't want you to use it, respect their wish because they will have reasons for not wanting it used.
  2. You credit them.
    The one major requirement is to put their name in the Illus. box. And make sure you actually put their name, because "Google" does not draw pictures, and neither does "DeviantART" or "The Internet".
  3. You never label yourself at the illustrator (unless you actually drew it).
    This can be viewed as plagiarism, and similar to the rules in the Writer's Corner, violators who do this will be banned (from the forums).

Regarding Fake Games
From this point forward, no person is allowed to make a thread for their own game unless...

  1. Sufficient proof that said game is more than just a gathering of ideas (or lack thereof)
    If you are in need of anyone to do anything, you are not ready and cannot post your thread. Violators will have their threads locked. Repeat offenders will be banned.