Ruling In between turns

Silver Sea Lugia

Champion Trainer
Hey guys,
I have a simple question here. What would come first; lets say you have an active Pokemon with 10HP left who's poisoned. But you also have a Nidoqueen Rising Rival's benched. What comes first, the Poison or the healing?

Thank you,

You get to choose the order between the poison(opponent) and Nidoqueen, since it is your pokemon that is affected. This logic would also apply if your opponent also had Flygon SW active.

The smart move would be to choose to activate Nidoqueen first and then poison.
While rage780's answer is not incorrect, it is correct for the wrong reasoning. All in between turns actions must occur before KO's are checked. The Poison damage could happen first, but the KO does not go into effect because all between turns actions have happened yet. Nidoqueens Body must happen before the KO is confirmed, and since the Body gets the Active Pokemon out of KO range, the KO does not occur.
I know that every effects(status condition(s), pokebody..) must resolve before check for knock out and replacement of a pokemon. My PTO told me that the player that has their pokemon affected could choose which "effects" to resolve first and which to resolve next until all effects are resolved before the KO check.
Was he wrong?
The order that between turns effect occur does not matter. They all must happen before any KOs are confirmed. In a way, you could say they all happen at the same time.