In Need of Help


Ampivire User
Ok, so basically I've been wanting to do this for a while but enver really found the time to scrape up money. But now, I'm ready.

I wanna build some sort of a {D} Deck. But, I'm not good at deck building so I need your help! Only 2 conditions-

Must include Murkrow/Honchrow Theme
Must be around the price of $30 (Excluding any Rare Candies or Non-Dark Energy)

I'll be buying cards off T&T and trading at my locals. Can any of you help a bro out?
There really are no good honchkrows to build a deck around, now that MT is rotated. Although, sableock does include 1-2 honchkrow G's and a 1-1 line of Honchkrow SV
Sableye really is the closest you'll get to anything you're asking for and is competitive but it'll probable cost a bit over $30. You could always try to make some Honchkrow SV/Garchomp C lvX rogue with a heavy SP/basic pokemon tech build as Honchkrow SV does more damage for every basic pokemon in play.
I would build a rogue deck with the Hochkrow from Undaunted(Vengence). It is like a Gyrados deck; use dicarding cards to discard as many dark type pokemon as possible, then use Vengence for a ton of damage. Attach special dark energy and DCE and tank. It takes longer to set up and you can have dead draw, but, it is a fun deck. Sages Training is good in the deck. It is really good though. Luxray X kills it but who cares. :p
The Umbreon Undaunted starter deck is the cheapest thing you can probably find if you're looking for Dark and Honckrow. It's also got Communication and Energy Exchanger which are great Trainers. You can trade for other things as well like Umbreon Prime and the other Honckrow not included in the theme deck.

dmaster out.