Independence, MO

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Well my 1st of 3 Spring Battle Road Events was a huge disappointment for me as I predicted but not as bad as I expected. I was going into it thinking I would be 1-4 but instead I'm 2-3 and I would've came 3-2 had I had beaten Darkrai/Zoroark in the 5th Round which basically came down to a prize trade off as he was 1 prize ahead of me. I was running ZekEels with no PlusPower go figure... >_>

Pokemon (17)

2 Zekrom BW
4-3 Elektrik (Spark Tynamo DE)
2 Thundurus EP
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Tornadus EX
1 Raikou EX
1 Shaymin UL

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (31)

4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm
4 Professor Juniper
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 N
3 Pokémon Catcher
2 Eviolite
2 Level Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Random Receiver
1 Switch
1 Revive

Energies (12)

8 {L}
4 {C}{C}

Deck Total (60)

1st Round against CMT - I manage to win the Mewtwo War but he manages to get me back by KO'ing my Mewtwo and I try to win with Tornadus EX with only 2 prizes away from the win while I still lose cause of freakin' Mewtwo. He only had 2 Celebi and 2 Mewtwo on board and it made me think why the good Sigilyph isn't out yet.

Win: 0 Loss: 1

2nd Round against Darkrai/Tornadus (Budget) - Since my opponent only had 1 of each EX in the deck I had the game in my favor and had a solid early game setup. I end up sweeping with Zekrom and Tornadus EX. His variant was more of a Dark Stage 2 deck with Hydreigon.

Win: 1 Loss: 1

3rd Round against TyRam - I made a bunch of play mistakes in this game where I tried to take out his Ninetales but I kept forgetting about Skyarrow's drawback and I had difficulty KOing his Cyndaquil's because I didn't get enough damage output going. I thought I could still win even If he had his Typhlosion's out and I didn't realize he'd be that unstoppable when I had a Mewtwo with energies sitting on the board as my attacker at the time.

Win: 1 Loss: 2

4th Round against ZekEels (Mirror) - I get a solid setup going and manage to win the game while staying ahead in the prize race. I gave him a chance to make a comeback to keep the prize trade even between us but I had difficulty drawing into a Switch I needed to win a turn sooner which I did win eventually when the Judge called time.

Win: 2 Loss: 2

5th Round against Darkrai/Zoroark - I had an okay start with Tornadus EX but then I manage to get my composure going and throughout the game it was a prize tradeoff until I didn't get the DCE I needed to win with Mewtwo after attaching an Eviolite to it. We were both down to one prize left and I missed that DCE I needed to win somehow. Been better If I was running the unreleased Sigilyph that counters Pokemon EX.

Win: 2 Loss: 3

What I learned:

* Never underestimate TyRam even though people label it
nowadays as too slow.
* Run PlusPower in ZekEels.
* People who roll 6 sided dice for coin flip effects always treat Evens as Heads and Odds as Tails.
I've played 4 Darkrai decks this Battle Roads. You'd think I'd get lucky and make a Ground deck but no. x] Well there is always more Battle Roads for you. Awesome Report! Good Luck with the others. It's going to be tough with all these random Rainbow decks going around now oh and Darkrai donk.
Well I realized I wasn't playing a very consistent list for ZekEels, one variant played of which at the same event went undefeated in the Top 4 alongside Darkrai/Tornadus, CMT, and I think a Groudon deck. So I can't say this was an awesome report but it could've been better had I of beaten Darkrai/Zoroark/Weavile which I was 1 prize away from winning for a 3-2 Record.

I hardly EVER topcut or go undefeated at events like BR's, that's why I lost to CMT in the 1st Round. 2 prizes away from a win and I still lose to Mewtwo, I will say that my toughest matchup was against TyRam but the thing is ZekEels has a better favorability to win against it and I didn't get enough damage output going and had taken out his Cyndaquils on time.

I was aiming for a 4-1 Record with no topcut but my matchups against TyRam and Darkrai/Zoroark/Weavile proved otherwise. 2-3 is just a horrible record but I'm sort of glad that I didn't drop after the 4th Round, I felt I know my deck could've done better but I wasn't being careful enough unfortunately. Charizard_Apocalypse I appreciate the feedback but I'm still far from deserving any praise...