Pokemon: 14
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
Energy: 12
It is really simple. The main Objective is having from one to two Plasma Chandelure on the Bench and at least one Monferno on the Active Position. The Chandelure will energitize my Monferno's attacks.
His first attack is Torment, deal 30 damage and cancel one atack from the opponent's active Pokemon. The second one deal 120 damage at the cost of discarting all energies attached to him.
Since he does not attack with a lot of energies, it is perfect against energy based decks as MewTwo Ex, or Yvetal Ex. Ideally, it is ready in two turns. The main idea is using Skyla for having what I need in hand, primarily Rare Candy and Plasma Balls for looking for those Pokemon.
Normal Chandelure and Reshiram are there for counter Anti-Plasma Decks. Chandelure is almost the same as Infernape.
This is the standard version, the unlimited version of this deck has more-than-half wins in TCG ONLINE, while this has kind of the 50% of victories. I want to improve this deck. Some help? Thanks for reading. Correct the sets if needed, I do not get how to differentiate them.
- 2 Plasma Infernape
- 1 Loud Howl Monferno
- 2 Chimchar
- 2 Plasma Chandelure
- 2 Flame Burst Chandelure
- 1 Free Floating Lampent
- 3 Litwick
- 1 Outrage Reshiram
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
- 3 Colress Machine
- 1 Energy Retrieval
- 1 Energy Search
- 2 Level Ball
- 4 Random Receiver
- 4 Rare Candy
- 2 Super Rod
- 1 Switch
- 4 Team Plasma Ball
- 1 Tool Scraper
- 1 Town Map
- 1 Ultra Ball
- 1 Float Stone
- 1 Muscle Band
- 2 N
- 4 Skyla
Energy: 12
- 9 Fire Energy
- 3 Plasma Energy
It is really simple. The main Objective is having from one to two Plasma Chandelure on the Bench and at least one Monferno on the Active Position. The Chandelure will energitize my Monferno's attacks.
His first attack is Torment, deal 30 damage and cancel one atack from the opponent's active Pokemon. The second one deal 120 damage at the cost of discarting all energies attached to him.
Since he does not attack with a lot of energies, it is perfect against energy based decks as MewTwo Ex, or Yvetal Ex. Ideally, it is ready in two turns. The main idea is using Skyla for having what I need in hand, primarily Rare Candy and Plasma Balls for looking for those Pokemon.
Normal Chandelure and Reshiram are there for counter Anti-Plasma Decks. Chandelure is almost the same as Infernape.
This is the standard version, the unlimited version of this deck has more-than-half wins in TCG ONLINE, while this has kind of the 50% of victories. I want to improve this deck. Some help? Thanks for reading. Correct the sets if needed, I do not get how to differentiate them.