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Infernape / Delphox / Deoxys EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 20

  • 4 x Chimchar
    1 x Monferno
    4 x Infernape
    3 x Fennekin
    1 x Braixen
    3 x Delphox
    4 x Deoxys EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 4 x Blacksmith
    3 x Level Ball
    1 x Startling Megaphone
    2 x Frozen City
    2 x Silver Bangle
    1 x Escape Rope
    1 x Switch
    4 x Ultra Ball
    1 x Professor Juniper
    4 x N
    2 x Shauna
    1 x Skyla
    4 x Rare Candy
    1 x Dowsing Machine - ACE SPEC
Energy: 9

  • 9 x Fire Energy - Basic

Basically you want to set up delphox asap for draw power and start powering up infernape. Infernape is great because he does 120 damage for 2 fire and discards the energy setting up perfectly for a blacksmith next turn. Also, hes team plasma, has free retreat, and his first attack can be very good against pokemon with only one attack (or only one good attack such as mewtwo). Ideal bench is a delphox, 3 deoxys ex, extra chimchar/infernape, and infernape in active. Even if you don't play a blacksmith every turn you can cycle between the 2 infernapes with free retreat to keep attacking or get rid of special conditions. 3 deoxys, and silver bangle knocks out 180 hp ex's, and they are almost always weakened by frozen city making it even easier to knock them out.

I've tested this deck quite a bit and it's pretty good. The ideal matchup is a lot of EX's as infernape ideally wants to take 2 prizes per attack. It can struggle against gimmick decks like lucario because it runs out of resources only taking 1 prize at a time. Also it can sometimes have trouble with team plasma because frozen city can't soften up pokemon for infernape and it usually sets up very quickly.
It does very well against yveltal or mewtwo because infernape has no energy on him after he attacks, and garbador usually isn't a huge issue. It has experienced big problems with blastoise as expected however it doesn't completely roll over since frozen city can be extremely annoying to black kyurem EX.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated