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Infernape / Deoxys EX


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 4 Chimchar
    2 Monferno
    4 Infernape
    4 Deoxys EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    2 N
    2 Skyla
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    1 Shauna
    1 Blacksmith
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Plasma Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Great Ball
    2 Frozen City
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Professors Letter
    2 Colress Machine
    2 Switch
    1 Pal Pad
    1 Megaphone
    1 Scramble Switch

  • 7 Fire Energy
    4 Plasma Energy

The strategy is to get 4 Deoxys on the bench to get Infernape to hit Malevolent Fire for 2 energy for 120, and with Deoxys, it hits 160. Add a Muscle Band, and it hits 180 for 2 energy! But you have to discard all of the energy attached to it. Plasma energy makes the deck faster, but this deck is pretty good. I got the idea from the list by HandsomeMonkeyKing. This is just my variation of this deck for next format.
RE: Infernape / Deoxys

I built this deck and ran into a few problems. First, you need more blacksmith in this deck. Also, it has no defense against water decks like Empoleon and Blastoise. Also, you need a muscle band and 3-4 Deoxys to knock out a big EX. But, it beat pretty much every other deck except for Plasma, especially with Kyurem, so with a couple other cards, it could a tier 2 deck.
Try using plasma frigate. Then you can take hits from blastoise and empoleon no problem. You have plasma energy anyway. I dont think that frozen city will really help since this deck aims to OHKO things.

You could also try and changing supporters for stuff like bicycle and roller skates to increase draw power while still being able to use blacksmith. Delphox can also be an answer to blacksmith and draw support. You already run rare candy, maybe a 2-1-2 line or something could help speed this deck up.

Fire decks area really strange and i dont really like how they run. But i have found that with a deck that likes blacksmith, you need additional draw support in the form of items.
I dont see what to cut for the cards you just suggested. Plasma Frigate would probably work, but the 2-1-2 line of Delphox wont really work. You need 4 bench space, and that extra one should be another powered up Infernape. This is probably the best I can get this deck.
fiery torch and more blacksmith would help the speed a bit, scramble switch seems relatively pointless unless your gonna start hitting with deoxys so maybe cpu search or dowsing would be better and maybe silver bangle over band -with it lameape hits for 150 so you would only need 2 or 3 deoxys to ohko ex's
Scramble switch is in there to move energy to another infernape on your bench and it is good late game when you need that last hit. And yes the Blacksmith would help, so I may bump it up to 2. Or 3. Cut Frozen city for Plasma Frigate, and cut a Deoxys and throw in some bangles. This deck has a lot of potential.