The strategy is to get 4 Deoxys on the bench to get Infernape to hit Malevolent Fire for 2 energy for 120, and with Deoxys, it hits 160. Add a Muscle Band, and it hits 180 for 2 energy! But you have to discard all of the energy attached to it. Plasma energy makes the deck faster, but this deck is pretty good. I got the idea from the list by HandsomeMonkeyKing. This is just my variation of this deck for next format.
4 Chimchar
2 Monferno
4 Infernape
4 Deoxys EX
4 Professor Juniper
2 N
2 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Lysandre
1 Shauna
1 Blacksmith
4 Rare Candy
2 Plasma Ball
2 Ultra Ball
1 Great Ball
2 Frozen City
2 Muscle Band
2 Professors Letter
2 Colress Machine
2 Switch
1 Pal Pad
1 Megaphone
1 Scramble Switch
7 Fire Energy
4 Plasma Energy
The strategy is to get 4 Deoxys on the bench to get Infernape to hit Malevolent Fire for 2 energy for 120, and with Deoxys, it hits 160. Add a Muscle Band, and it hits 180 for 2 energy! But you have to discard all of the energy attached to it. Plasma energy makes the deck faster, but this deck is pretty good. I got the idea from the list by HandsomeMonkeyKing. This is just my variation of this deck for next format.