Set up Infernape turn 2 with a silver bangle and 3 Deoxys on the bench to KO EXs.
Then use Blacksmith/Colress Machine to constantly power it up.
Explanations of Cards:
1 Fiery Torch - Because I need some kind of draw, when using "non-draw" supports.
1 Prof. Birch's Obs. - Since I have so many cards I can't afford to discard I use this instead of Juniper.
All feedback is welcome!
4-2-4 Infernape
4 Deoxys EX
2 Colress Machine
1 Computer Search
1 Fiery Torch
1 Professor's Letter
4 Rare Candy
2 Switch
3 Plasma Ball
1 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
2 Blacksmith
2 Colress
1 Lysandre
3 N
3 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Professor Birch's Observations
2 Professor Juniper
1 Skyla
4 Silver Bangle
3 Plasma Energy
6 Fire Energy
Set up Infernape turn 2 with a silver bangle and 3 Deoxys on the bench to KO EXs.
Then use Blacksmith/Colress Machine to constantly power it up.
Explanations of Cards:
1 Fiery Torch - Because I need some kind of draw, when using "non-draw" supports.
1 Prof. Birch's Obs. - Since I have so many cards I can't afford to discard I use this instead of Juniper.
All feedback is welcome!
4-2-4 Infernape
4 Deoxys EX
2 Colress Machine
1 Computer Search
1 Fiery Torch
1 Professor's Letter
4 Rare Candy
2 Switch
3 Plasma Ball
2 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
2 Blacksmith
2 Colress
1 Lysandre
2 N
2 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Professor Birch's Observations
1 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla
4 Silver Bangle
3 Plasma Energy
7 Fire Energy