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Infernape / Deoxys EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4-2-4 Infernape
    4 Deoxys EX

  • 2 Colress Machine
    1 Computer Search
    1 Fiery Torch
    1 Professor's Letter
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Switch
    3 Plasma Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    3 VS Seeker

    2 Blacksmith
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    3 N
    3 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Professor Birch's Observations
    2 Professor Juniper
    1 Skyla

    4 Silver Bangle

  • 3 Plasma Energy
    6 Fire Energy

Set up Infernape turn 2 with a silver bangle and 3 Deoxys on the bench to KO EXs.
Then use Blacksmith/Colress Machine to constantly power it up.

Explanations of Cards:
1 Fiery Torch - Because I need some kind of draw, when using "non-draw" supports.
1 Prof. Birch's Obs. - Since I have so many cards I can't afford to discard I use this instead of Juniper.

All feedback is welcome!


  • 4-2-4 Infernape
    4 Deoxys EX

  • 2 Colress Machine
    1 Computer Search
    1 Fiery Torch
    1 Professor's Letter
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Switch
    3 Plasma Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    3 VS Seeker

    2 Blacksmith
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    2 N
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Professor Birch's Observations
    1 Professor Juniper
    2 Skyla

    4 Silver Bangle

  • 3 Plasma Energy
    7 Fire Energy
Whether or not you like Juniper, you need more draw support. I'd cut a Deoxys, a Bangle, Fiery Torch, and a Colress Machine for more draw. I'd recommend +2 Juniper and N (You will not be taking prizes fast if you don't get set up.), but at the very least, you should play more Professor Birch.
A couple Scorched Earth seem worthwhile. I also keep a couple Psychic energy in my Infernape/Deoxys deck so Deoxys can attack when needed. A single Shadow Triad can make a huge difference in a plasma-heavy deck, too.
I updated the list with more draw power:

  • -1 Ultra Ball
    -1 Fire Energy
    -1 Skyla
    +1 Prof. Juniper
    +1 N
    +1 Pokemon Fan Club

It works better now but I've noticed I have no answer to Silent Lab/Garbodor.
So I'm gonna add 1 Scorched Earth, as gromi suggested and 1 Startling Megaphone.

  • -1 Fiery Torch
    -1 Colress Machine
    +1 Scorched Earth
    +1 Startling Megaphone