Ruling Infernape lvl x


Allright i have 2 questions fo Infernape lvl x.

1. Can Infernape lvl x copy the attacks of Monferno or chimchar?

2. When Infernape lvl x is against a pokemon that can copy attacks is it allowed to copy the attacks of Monfrno,Infernape and chimchar?
Infernape LvX can use Infernape Lv40 attacks, but not monferno or chimchar.
A pokemon that is copying infernape LvX can copy infernape Lv40's attacks too.
Since Infernape LvX and Infernape Lv40 are considered the same pokemon.
Infernape Lv. X can use attacks from previous levels, in this case from Infernape Lv. 40, and if a pokemon that copy attacks, copy from Lv X and Lv 40. both same pokemon.