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inferno flamdago (chandelure/emboar/reshiram)


is addicted to sonic plushies :)
Pokemon: 18
3-3-3 Chandelure next destinies
2-2-2 Emboar BW (AbiliBoar)
3 Reshiram bw

T/S/S" 31
4 Level ball
4 Junk arm
3 Pokemon collector
3 Pokemon commnucation
3 Energy retreival
3 Fisherman
3 "N"
2 Prof. Juniper

Energy: 10
10 Energy

the strategy is use reshiram as the big attacker chandelure is for sniping and for inferno
emboar is for energy acceleretion
I have no idea what set some of your cards are from, and what kind... So I'm gonna just give you my opinion, if you already have them in your deck, then great :)

Abiliboar line should look something like this:
2x Tepig Promo (BW007 I believe)
1x Pignite BW
2x AbiliBoar

I'd also suggest you change the Chandy line to:
3x Litwick (Promo)
2x Lampet
3x Chandy (The ability one works best)

Now onto the T/S/S line...
-1 Level Ball (Not needed at all)
-1 Junk Arm (Again, 4 makes this inconsistent)
-1 PONT (Your Drawpower is good without 4x PONT)

+3 Rare Candy (To get stage 2's out quickly)

I'd also suggest you
+2 DCE (This helps Reshiram a lot)

-1Lampet (For consistent Line)
-1 Pignite ( ^ )
No rare candy or mewtwo? Those are very essential. Try
-0-2-0 chandelure (3-1-3 should be enough)
-4 level ball (shouldn't be needed IMO)
-1-2 energy retrieval (3 is too many)
-2 fisherman (1 should be enough)
-1 reshiram (2 should be enough)

+4 rare candy (stage 2 s)
+3 catcher (helps a lot)
+2 reshiram EX (great attacker)
+2 sage's (helps with stage 2s kinda)
+1 mewtwo (great counter)
And I would also do
+1 cilan (helps set up)

And I wouldn't use the psychic chandy because it wouldn't work too well with this deck and doesnt have much synergy with it. In fact, I wouldn't use any chandy but it's just my preference. I'd also try to fit in 2 switch
Why no Psychic Chandy... It can hit the bench for 30, when it's active, and this can help get some necassary KO's...
2-3 should be plenty enough, and 3-1-3 lines always fail, I've tried them, they are just to frail, all you have to do is get 1 Lampet catcher'd, and KO'd, and the game is over for Chandy...
Chandelure doesn't snipe, it spreads and if you want it in the deck then it's going to have to be the main focus considering how much space it takes up and how much support it's going to need to be the worth the effort. The only truly competitve way to run Chandelure is with Mew Prime, however you can still run it without Mew Prime but it will be marginally slower.

4-3-4 Chandelure ND
2-2 Ninetales HGSS
2 Reshiram
1 Elekid

This focuses more on Chandelure but still utilises Reshiram but only for knocking out higher HP pokemon when the spread strategy won't be as effective. A thick Chandelure line as it's the main focus of the deck plus only 120HP nowadays is fairly low as alot of pokemon can easily hit that mark so you want to be able to draw into Chandelure (and previous forms). Ninetales is you main source of draw power just to speed you up early game. Elekid is just for T1 damage placement.