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Inferno Monkey! (Infernape / Deoxys EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 - 4 Infernape
    3 Deoxys EX
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 4 N
    3 Juniper
    3 Skyla
    3 Blacksmith
    2 Colress
    1 Shauna
    1 Shadow Triad
    1 Lysander

    4 Rare Candy
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Level Ball
    2Ultra Ball
    2 Plasma Ball
    2 Switch
    2 Frozen City
    1 Pal Pad
    1Startling Megaphone

  • 9 Fire Energy

The basic strategy is simple: Get to 170 dmg for an OHKO, Blacksmith to attack again next turn. With very little to set up this deck is very fast, and can hit very hard. The simple Pokémon line allows me to cover nearly every trainer I need, leaving very little choice necessary for the deck list. One choice I did, however, was the frozen city over LaserBank combo. I just found the extra 4 slots it freed up gave the deck so much more flexibility, allowing room for more draw support as well as a Lysander for those crucial moments.

Here's a look at the deck in action!

RE: Inferno Monkey! (Infernape/Deoxys)

You have not included any ACE-SPEC cards. I would think Computer Search is the best fit for this deck (as it's speed-based), but that's up to you. You might also want to run a fourth Deoxys-EX (to get OHKO's on 180 HP EX's). Additionally, you might want to include some alternative attacker. Deoxys itself is an option, but you would need to run Rainbow or Blend GRPD Energy as well as Plasma Energy to power it. Another option might be Miltank, or any other Plasma Basic.
and what about 4-1-4 in the infernape line? or even 4-2-4 can help a lot in the item locks based deck match wich are popular in the new rotation : Donphan-Trevenant, Mienshao-Trevenant, Seismitoad etc.. Seismitoad even hits you for weakness.
Is it really that good of an idea to be relying on Blacksmith as much as you're doing right now? You would need to constantly be using your Blacksmiths every single turn (Or every other turn if you manually attach energies to a benched Infernape while powering the active with your Blacksmith), not mentioning the fact that you won't be able to use any other supporter to refresh your hand. And when you run into a deck that isn't heavily relying on EXes, you will run out of your Blacksmiths before you've drawn all your prizes. As an alternate method of energy acceleration, have you considered running Plasma Energies along with Colress Machine?

I also want to agree with stormESP, you will need at least one Monferno, otherwise you will be completely crushed by item lock decks (And stage 2 decks usually have a very bad time against those kinds of decks). I would probably run two.
I like this deck. Played it on TCGOne and it is really good. The thing is that is focuses on Blacksmith to attack turn after turn.